
Showing posts from July, 2024


Revelation 21, 22:1-5; John 14:3 Jesus is God’s Son and Jesus wants to be our friend forever. And since Jesus is our friend forever, we can have JOY forever. Did you know that Jesus is getting heaven ready right now for all of His friends? Would you like to hear what heaven is going to be like? In heaven, there will be no more boo-boos. No skinned knees. No bumps on the head. Everyone can run and play and no one will ever get hurt in heaven! Say, “No more boo-boos!” In heaven, no one will ever get sick. No runny noses. No tummy aches. No earaches. Everyone will be healthy in heaven! Say, “No more sick!” In heaven, no one will ever be sad, because sad things don’t happen in heaven. Say, “No more sad!” In heaven, there will be nothing to worry about and no reason to be afraid. Say, “No more fear!” In heaven, we will have everything we need. We won’t get hungry or tired or lonely. Heaven will be like a party that never ends! It is so exciting when you think about it! Jesus is in heaven, r

Be Joyful with Others

Romans 12:15 We begin with a man named Paul. Paul taught people that Jesus loves us and can give us joy. One day, Paul wrote a letter to Jesus’ friends, and he told them how they could love like Jesus and help their friends have joy. Would you like to hear some ways we can love like Jesus? If you said yes, make a heart with your hands like this. Maybe our friend is sad because their toy broke. Can you make your heart hands, again?  Yes, we can help our friends have joy and love like Jesus when we sit with them while they are sad. Maybe our friend saw something funny or their toy made them laugh. Show me your heart hands! Yes, we can help our friends have joy and love like Jesus when we laugh with our friends who are laughing. Maybe our friend opened a really cool present at their birthday party, and they’re very excited. Show me your heart hands one more time. Yes, we can help our friends have joy and love like Jesus by being excited with our friends when they are excited. No matter ho

Wedding at Cana

John 2:1-11 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of John. John was one of the friends and helpers of Jesus. And the word “Gospel” means “good news!” We begin at a wedding party where everyone was celebrating a bride and groom.  Lots of their friends were at the wedding party to celebrate. Jesus and His friends, the disciples, were at the wedding party to celebrate. And Mary, Jesus’ mom, was at the wedding party to celebrate too!  There was music and dancing, and there were lots of special food and special wedding drink. All of the people were having so much fun at the wedding, but then there was a big problem! They ran out of special wedding drink! Oh, no! Well, when Mary, Jesus’ mom, found out, she knew it would make the bride and groom very sad if they knew they had run out of special wedding drink. So, Mary went to Jesus for help. You see, Mary knew that Jesus is God’s Son and Jesus can do anything. Mary told Jesus what happened, and then she told the help

Shepherds and Angels

Luke 2:8-20 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wanted others to know and love Jesus, too. And the word gospel means “good news!” We begin on a starry night in a field a long time ago. There were shepherds in the field taking care of sheep. What sound does a sheep make? “Baa!” While the shepherds were taking care of their sheep, something amazing happened.  All of a sudden, an angel appeared in the sky! The shepherds were so surprised! “The angel spoke to the shepherds and said: “I bring you good news that will give great joy to all people!” Then the angel said: “Jesus, God’s Son, has been born! And Jesus has come to be EVERYONE’S friend forever!” Wow! That is good news! Because that means Jesus wants to be MY friend forever and YOUR friend forever!  That IS good news worth celebrating!  Then the whole sky filled with angels celebrating! They praised God and said: “Glory to God in the highest!” After the angels shared the good n