
Revelation 21, 22:1-5; John 14:3

Jesus is God’s Son and Jesus wants to be our friend forever. And since Jesus is our friend forever, we can have JOY forever. Did you know that Jesus is getting heaven ready right now for all of His friends? Would you like to hear what heaven is going to be like?

In heaven, there will be no more boo-boos. No skinned knees. No bumps on the head. Everyone can run and play and no one will ever get hurt in heaven! Say, “No more boo-boos!”

In heaven, no one will ever get sick. No runny noses. No tummy aches. No earaches. Everyone will be healthy in heaven! Say, “No more sick!”

In heaven, no one will ever be sad, because sad things don’t happen in heaven. Say, “No more sad!” In heaven, there will be nothing to worry about and no reason to be afraid. Say, “No more fear!”

In heaven, we will have everything we need. We won’t get hungry or tired or lonely. Heaven will be like a party that never ends!

It is so exciting when you think about it! Jesus is in heaven, right now, getting heaven ready for all His friends! That is so awesome!

We will have joy all the time, because we will be with our friend Jesus, and Jesus gives us joy! So, when anyone asks you: “Who gives you joy?” You can say “Jesus gives me joy!”

Bible Paraphrase: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” —Luke 2:10, ESV

Text Truth: I can have joy forever because Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Family Devotional

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” —John 14:3

Our Bible Story was about a very special place. Do you remember the name of the special place? Heaven! Jesus is in heaven right now getting it ready for all of His friends to be with Him forever! Wow! Thinking about being with Jesus forever gives me JOY, because Jesus gives me joy!

“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. —Luke 2:10, ESV

With your family, make a list of times you’ve been sick or had a boo-boo. Maybe you hurt your knee, or bumped your head, or your tummy was really sick. Have each family member write down a time they had a boo-boo. And make sure they write their name next to what they write.

Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. In your own words, say, “Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to be (say each family member’s name)’s friend forever. Thank You that Jesus is getting heaven ready for all of His friends, where there will be no more (read the list your family made). We love You, God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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