David Was Kind to Saul

1 Samuel 24:1-22

King Saul was angry with David. He continued to try to hurt David. Saul heard that David was in En-Gedi. So Saul and his men traveled from Saul’s palace in Gibeah to En-Gedi.

Saul found a cave near some sheep pens, and he went inside. Saul did not know David and his men were staying in the back of the cave.

David’s men told David about Saul.

Quietly David walked to where Saul was and cut off a little piece of Saul’s robe without Saul even noticing.

Later David thought about what he did, and he was sorry. David told his men, “I will never hurt Saul because God chose him to be king.”

When Saul left the cave, David walked out. He called to Saul, then bowed down. David asked the king why he thought unkindly of him. “I will never hurt you,” David said. Then David explained to Saul that he could have hurt him when he sneaked to cut a piece of his robe; but David chose to love Saul because David knew God chose Saul to be the king.

When King Saul heard David say these things, he cried.

Saul said, “You have done what is good to me, David, though I have not done good to you. May God repay you with good.”

Bible Paraphrase: I will be glad. God loves me. (I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul. --Psalm 31:7 NIV)

Text Truth: People who love God love others.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Shake and Say

You'll Need: Bible, colorful pom-poms

  • Shake a pom-pom to get your child’s attention. Begin chanting the Bible paraphrase (“People who love God love others.”).
  • Give a pom-pom to a child and invite him to say the Bible paraphrase with you (“People who love God love others.”).
  • Turn to Psalm 31:7 and show the child where we read the verse.

Search for Bible Names

You'll Need: 3 Bibles, cardstock, marker, tape

  • Print the names David, Saul, and Samuel on cards. Tape the cards at your preschooler’s eye level on walls around the room. Set an open Bible near each card.
  • Read a name and help your child locate the name in the Bible. Talk about that person in relation to the Bible story

Play in a Cave

You'll Need: Bible, table, dark sheet, flashlight

  • Spread the sheet on the table. Lay the flashlight at the entrance of the “cave."
  • Invite your preschooler to hide in the cave. Relate this to David’s being in the cave.
  • Say the text truth (“People who love God love others.”). Remind preschoolers that David was able to show kindness to Saul because David loved God.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages (http://freebibleimages.org) for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence. Maps provided by Bible History Online (http://www.bible-history.com).


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