God Made Plants

Genesis 1:9-12, 29-31

The Bible tells us what God made. We learned that God made the daytime. He put the sun in the sky to light the daytime. God also made the nighttime.

God also made the water and filled it with all the things that live in the water, like fish. And God made the sky. He filled it with birds.

But God wasn't finished making things yet. He wanted a dry place where there was no water. So God said, “Let the water be gathered into one place so dry ground appears.” And there was dry ground! God called the dry ground “land.” It was very good.

God made plants to grow on the land. He said, “Let the land grow plants. Let each plant make its own seeds.” That is what happened. There were plants.

Some of the plants were tall trees. Some trees grew fruit like the cherry tree.

Some of the plants were small. Some had flowers.

Some plants were bushes.

And some plants grew fruits or vegetables like a strawberry plant or a pumpkin plant.

When some plants started making more plants, they began as tiny seeds. The seeds poked green leaves through the dirt. As the plants got light from the sun and water from the rain, they got bigger and bigger.

Plants of all sizes were growing everywhere. God knew the plants would use the sun and rain to help them grow.

God looked at all He had made. He saw the dry land with the different plants. He saw the tall trees, the small plants that grew fruits and vegetables, and the plants growing from seed. God saw all that He had made. And it was very good.

God showed us how powerful He is when He made plants. He is our great and mighty God!

Bible Paraphrase: God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 NIV)

Text Truth: God made plants.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Caring for Plants
  • Let your preschooler help you take care of any houseplants or plants in your yard. 
  • Your child will especially enjoy helping you water the plants. 
  • Talk about the different kinds of plants you have. 
  • You might also plan to deliver a houseplant to a friend who is sick or a shut in. 

God Made Plants

Sing this song to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

Plants, plants, 
God made plants. 
He made all the plants.
We need plants to help us live. 
Praise God for all the plants. 

Look for Plants
  • As you shop with your child at the grocery store, take a few extra minutes to name and look at the variety of plants God has given us for food. 
  • Your child will enjoy helping you select any fruits and vegetables. 
  • When you pick one, say, “God made the (name of fruit or vegetable) grow so we could have food.” 

God Protects Plants

You’ll Need: a book about plants or a nature magazine
  • Use the book or magazine to talk about all the different plants God created. 
  • Talk about how God protects plants (like those that are poisonous to animals) and how God provides for them in unique ways (like the Venus fly trap). 

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages (http://freebibleimages.org) for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence. 


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