God Made Water and Air

Genesis 1:6-10, 20-23

God made the daytime. He put the sun in the sky to light the daytime. God also made nighttime. He put the moon and the stars in the sky to light the nighttime.

But God wasn’t finished yet. He decided to make more things.

God said, “Let there be a huge space of air above the waters of the world.” And there was air! God called the air “sky.” The sky was blue and had white fluffy clouds.

When God looked around at what He had made, He saw there was water everywhere. So God said, “Let the waters under the sky come together in one place.” Whoosh, whoosh. The waters did come together. When the waters were all in one place, God called the dry ground “land.” God called the waters that were gathered together the “oceans.” Then God stopped and looked at all He had done and He saw that it was very good.

Later, God had another idea for the water and air. He decided to fill the water with living creatures. God said, “Let there be living things in the water to swim and live in the seas.” So God made the big creatures that live in the sea. He also made all the little fish and everything that lives in the water.

Then God said, “Let there be birds in the sky to fly in the air above the water.” So God made birds of all types and sizes. They were flying in the air.

When God finished this work, He looked around. He saw the fish swimming in the water and the birds flying in the air. He blessed the fish and the birds and told them to have little fish and little birds. And God saw all that He had made. God made the water and the air. And it was very good.

God showed us how powerful He is when He made water and air. He is our great and mighty God!

Bible Paraphrase: God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 NIV)

Text Truth: God made water and air.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Make a Fish and a Bird

You’ll Need: manila file folder, pencil, scissors, tissue paper, wrapping paper, or other decoration
  • Draw and cut out a simple fish and bird from a file folder.
  • Let your child decorate the shapes to make scales for the fish and feathers for the bird.
  • Talk about the different kinds of birds and fish God made.

Simon Says
  • Play a simple game of “Simon Says.”
  • Use things like, “Swim in the water like a fish” and “Fly in the air like a bird.”
  • Use this game to review that God also made the sun, moon, and stars.

Look for Fish and Birds
  • When you are outdoors, point out the different colors of birds and listen to them sing.
  • You might also look at fish in an aquarium.
  • Thank God for the birds and fish for us to enjoy.

Play with Water and Air

You’ll Need: shallow dish of water, a fan
  • As you talk about God creating the water and air, let your child play in the dish of water and feel the air from the fan.
  • Let your child think about how life would be different if God hadn’t created water and air.
  • Say with your child the Bible paraphrase: “God saw all that he had made, and was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages (http://freebibleimages.org) for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence. 


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