John the Baptist Told about Jesus

John 1:15-34

John the Baptist was born around the same time Jesus was. When he grew up, God gave him a very special job. God wanted John to tell other people about Jesus.

John lived in the Judean desert near the Jordan River. He wore clothes made from camel hair and ate wild honey.

John would often go to a place called Bethany beyond the Jordan River.

People came to the river to hear John talk. The people liked to listen to John. The people got very quiet. They listened as John talked about how everyone should be sorry for doing wrong things. They listened carefully to what John told them about Jesus, God’s Son. John told them that Jesus, God’s Son, was more important than he was. John said that he had been sent to help people get ready for God’s Son.

Many of the people who listened to John wanted to be baptized. Water is used in baptizing people. John would baptize them if they were sorry for doing wrong things. The people called him John the Baptist.

John also told the people about the day Jesus had come to see him.

Jesus wanted to be baptized even though He had not done anything wrong. So John baptized Him.

John said to the people, “Something special happened. A dove came down from heaven and flew to Jesus. It was a sign that this man is God’s Son—the Savior God had promised long ago. I know that I saw this happen. I know for sure that Jesus is God’s Son.”

Another day, John was beside the Jordan River again. He was telling some people about Jesus just as he always did. Suddenly he stopped talking. He looked at a man coming through the crowd. John pointed to the man and said, “It’s Jesus! This is who I have been telling you about!” John called Jesus a special name—the “Lamb of God.” That name helped people understand that Jesus would save them. Jesus is God’s Son!

John told others that Jesus is God’s Son. We can tell others that Jesus is God’s Son.

Bible Paraphrase: A Savior has been born. (Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11 NIV)

Text Truth: We can tell others that Jesus is God's Son.

Family Devotional

Jesus speaks to us in Acts 1:8 about witnessing. “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” You probably don’t live in Jerusalem, Judea, or Samaria. But you are to be a witness for Jesus, too. You are to tell others that Jesus is God’s Son. You don’t have to use religious terms. All you have to do is tell others how you know that Jesus is God’s Son. Pray that God will place someone in your path to tell about Jesus. When the opportunity comes, allow the Holy Spirit to give you the words to speak boldly.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Bedtime / Storytime

Each night before bedtime this week, tell stories about Jesus as a baby, a boy, and a man to help your child understand baby Jesus grew as a child and then became an adult. Say with your child the Bible paraphrase, “A Savior has been born. (Luke 2:11).

Tell the Good News with a Picture

You’ll Need: white construction paper, blue construction paper, scissors, crayons or washable markers, a dove sticker (optional)

Let your child draw a picture of John baptizing Jesus. Start with a white piece of paper. Cut a strip of blue construction paper for the Jordan River, and add the river to the picture. If you have a dove sticker or other decoration, add it to the picture. Let your child use the picture to tell someone that Jesus is God’s Son.

Run Down the “Jordan River”

You’ll Need: bottles of bubble solution and bubble wands, paper towels
  • Have family members and friends, each with a bottle of bubble solution, stand in two lines, forming the banks for the river. 
  • Blow bubbles and let your child run down the “river.” 
  • Take turns trading places. 
  • Use the paper towels to prevent slick floors. 
  • Let everyone have a chance to run down the river. Have your child tell a family member what happened at the Jordan River.
  • Remind your child that we can tell others that Jesus is God’s Son.

Practice Makes Perfect

John told others that Jesus is God’s Son. Practice telling stuffed animals or other family members in various ways that Jesus is God’s Son.

Pray for Courage to Tell
  • As a family, pick one or several people you would like to tell that Jesus is God’s Son. 
  • Pray for courage to speak to those people this week.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


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