Shepherds Visit Jesus

Luke 2:8-20

Being a Bible-time shepherd was hard work. The shepherd had to be sure the sheep had water to drink and grass to eat. He had to keep all the sheep together and not let any get lost. He even ate and slept while watching the sheep.

One night, a group of tired shepherds lay down to sleep for the night when something amazing happened—and angel appeared! A bright light shone around the angel. The shepherds were not tired anymore. They were scared!

The angel said, “Do not be afraid. I have good news! This news will make people all over the world happy. Today, in the town of Bethlehem, a Savior has been born to you. He is Jesus, the Savior God promised long ago. You will find him in Bethlehem. Look for a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.” The shepherds knew that a manger was a place that holds food for animals.

Then the sky was filled with many angels! They said “Glory to God!” Then the angels went away.

The shepherds were so excited! They hurried to Bethlehem.

They found Jesus in the manger, just as the angel had said. The shepherds worshiped Jesus. They thanked God for sending Jesus.

As the shepherds returned to their sheep, they told everyone they met about Jesus. They thanked God for sending Jesus. We thank God for sending Jesus.

Bible Paraphrase: A Savior has been born. (Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11 NIV)

Text Truth: We thank God for sending Jesus.

Family Devotional

Even though you may have a long list of to-dos for Christmas preparations, challenge yourself to set aside time to focus on Jesus. Spend time with the Lord, reading and meditating on Luke 2 and praying.

Through the hustle and bustle (even just sitting in the car at a red light), you can take time to glorify, praise, and thank God for sending His Son—just as the shepherds took time many years ago.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Make a Fluffy Sheep

You’ll Need: light colored sheet of construction paper, dark sheet of construction paper, scissors, glue, white crayon or chalk, packing peanuts
  • Cut a body (cloud shape), a head (oval), and ear and four legs from the light paper.
  • Let your child glue the sheep on the dark paper.
  • Glue the packing peanuts on top of the sheep’s body.
  • Draw a nighttime scene on the paper.
  • Recall the Bible story.
  • Remind your child that we thank God for sending Jesus.

Sleepy Shepherd

As you get your child ready for bed, talk about the different things you do at night. Talk about how the shepherds were out in the fields at night watching their sheep. What do you think the shepherds thought when the angel appeared in the sky?

Visit Baby Jesus

You’ll Need: a nativity set or a baby doll
  • Hide the doll or nativity set somewhere in your house.
  • Let your child pretend to be a shepherd on his or her way to see baby Jesus.
  • When your child finds the baby doll or nativity set, thank God for sending Jesus.
  • Say with your child the Bible paraphrase: “A Savior has been born.” (Luke 2:11)

Angels and Shepherds

You’ll Need: stuffed animals for use as sheep, bathrobes, towels, sheets, safety pins
  • Use the collected items to make simple angel and shepherd costumes.
  • Arrange the stuffed animals as a flock of sheep.
  • Help your child recall the Bible story by acting out the angel’s visit to the shepherds.
  • Help your child recall the portions of the Bible story they may forget.
  • Remind your child that we thank God for sending Jesus.
  • Say with your child the Bible paraphrase: “A Savior has been born.” (Luke 2:11)

A Prayer of Thanks
  • Thank God for sending Jesus.
  • List specific reasons that you are thankful.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


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