Jesus Helped Two Blind Men See

Matthew 20:29-34

Our story comes from a book in the Bible called Matthew.

The Bible tells us about two men who were blind. Blind means a person can’t see. Everything looked dark to them, just as it does when we close our eyes. They couldn’t see people or trees or flowers.
Christ Heals the Two Blind Men on the Road to Jericho, artist unknown, Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo. Ravenna, Italy, circa 6th century.

One day the two blind men were sitting beside a road near the city of Jericho. They heard a crowd of people coming. They listened to the people talking.
Christ Heals the Two Blind Men on the Road to Jericho, artist unknown, Basilica Cattedrale di Santa Maria Nuova di Monreale, Sicily, circa 12th century.

The two blind men wanted to know why there were so many people. Someone told them Jesus was coming. The men believed that Jesus could make their blind eyes see.

“Jesus, Son of David, help us!” called the two blind men.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men, illustrated Arabic manuscript of the Gospels by Matthew (Mattá), Mark (Marquṣ), Luke (Lūqā), and John (Yūḥannā) was copied in Egypt by Ilyās Bāsim Khūrī Bazzī Rāhib, who was most likely a Coptic monk, in Anno Mundi 7192 / 1684 AD.

The people in the crowd said, “Be quiet. Don’t bother Jesus.” But the blind men knew Jesus had helped many people. They could tell Jesus what they needed.

The men cried louder, “Jesus, Son of David, help us!”
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men, Duccio di Buoninsegna, circa 1255-1319, National Gallery, London.

Jesus heard the two blind men. He asked them, “What do you need?”
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men, engraved print, artist unknown, date known.

They said, “Lord, we want to see. Will you make our eyes to see?” Jesus loved the men. He was glad they knew they could tell Him what they needed and that He could help. So Jesus touched their blind eyes.
 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men, artist unknown, date known.

Suddenly the men could see! They could see the trees, flowers, and Jesus!

The men who had been blind followed Jesus with the rest of the crowd.

The two blind men knew they could tell Jesus what they needed. We can tell Jesus what we need too.

Bible Paraphrase: "I am with you always." (…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20 NIV)

Text Truth: We can tell Jesus what we need.

Family Devotional

Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. – Mathew 20:32

In Matthew 20:29-34, the two blind men knew who to call on to meet their need for healing. Despite the rebukes of the crowd around them, they had faith that the Lord, the Son of David, would meet their need—and He did!

Just as Jesus took the time to meet the need of two beggars, He can meet your needs too. You can tell Jesus your needs. Call out to the Lord, the Son of David, and believe that He will meet your needs.

Activities You Can Do at Home

I Spy Things We Need

Play “I Spy” with your preschooler picking items that you need. All the descriptive words you use, whether for colors, shapes, sizes, or locations will help your preschooler learn to use the same words.

Guessing Game

Put a variety of items in a paper bag. Have your child close his eyes and reach in the bag. Let him guess what each item is without looking at it.

Our Needs at Bedtime

During your bedtime routine, have your child name things she needs to do each task. For example, “I need a toothbrush to brush my teeth. I need my mommy to help me take a bath. I need my daddy to help me put on pajamas.” As the routine ends say, “I can tell Jesus what I need.”

Tell the Bible Story

Help your child act out the Bible story. Pretend that you are one of the blind men, and let your child play the part of the other blind man. Provide tin pans and perhaps a paper coin or two. Explain that the blind men could not work, so they asked people for money. Pretend to do this. Then pretend that Jesus comes along and helps you both to see. Open your eyes and jump up and down with you Remind your child that we can tell Jesus what we need today, just as the two blind men did.

Pray, Thanks God for Meeting Your Needs

Think about the needs of your preschooler and family. Tell Jesus about your needs and thank Him for meeting them.



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