Timothy Was Taught by His Family

Acts 16:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:3-6; 2 Timothy 3:14-15

The pictures for our Bible story show a special kind of window, called a “stained glass” window. A stained glass window is a window made of a bunch of different pieces of colored glass. When the pieces are put together, they make a picture. Most of the stained glass windows in churches show scenes from Bible stories. The beautiful windows help the people learn and remember the Bible stories.
Stained glass window, Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France.

Our story comes from a book of the Bible called Acts. That name is short for “the Acts of the Apostles.” The word "Apostle" is another word to describe a helper of Jesus. Out story also comes from the book in the Bible called 2 Timothy, or "Second Timothy." We call it "Second Timothy" because it is the second of two letters in the Bible written from Paul to Timothy.

The Bible tells us about different people who loved God. The Bible tells us about a young boy named Timothy. Timothy lived with his dad, his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois.
Eunice Teaching Timothy, Detail, Trinity Church North Transept Stained Glass Window, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

Timothy’s mother and grandmother loved God’s Word. Timothy’s mother and grandmother often held Timothy on their laps. They taught him to love God’s Word. They told him Scriptures about how God’s Son would come. They taught Timothy how to pray.
Timothy, Eunice and Lois. The Willet Windows, Saint Andrews Episcopal Church, State College, State College, Pennsylvania, United States.

So, Timothy learned to listen to God’s Word. Timothy learned to pray. And Timothy learned about God’s love.
Eunice and Timothy, 16th century Flemish stained glass roundel, Church of St John, Rownhams, Hampshire, England, Great Britain.

Timothy grew and grew. Soon he was a young man. Then Timothy loved God as a grown-up.
St Timothy, stained glass, circa 1871, St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain.

One day, a preacher, named Paul, came to town. The people from Timothy’s church told Paul how Timothy love God. Paul told Timothy how God’s Son, Jesus, had come.
St Paul teaching Timothy, 19th century stained glass, Wells Cathedral, Somerset, England, Great Britain.

So, Paul asked Timothy, “I need a helper, I need someone to come with me and tell people about Jesus. Will you come with me? Will you tell people about Jesus, just like your mother and grandmother told you about God?”
St Timothy and Eunice, 19th century stained glass, Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, Great Britain.

Timothy wanted to tell others about Jesus. He said, “I’d be glad to go with you and tell people about Jesus.”
Timothy, stained glass. Location unknown.

Timothy said good-by to his family. Paul and Timothy traveled from place to place. They told many people about Jesus.

Timothy remembered what his family had taught him. He taught others about God’s love just as they had taught him. We can learn about Jesus from our families, too.
Timothy, Eunice and Lois, 1883. The Bell Window, North Aisle windows, St. Mary’s Church, Kemptown, Brighton, England, Great Britain.

Bible Paraphrase: Let us do good to all people. (Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. – Galatians 6:10 NIV)

Text Truth: We can learn about Jesus from our families.

Family Devotional

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. – 2 Timothy 1:5

Lois and Eunice gave Timothy a priceless treasure by teaching him about God. You may have that same priceless treasure as part of your heritage. Someone in your family may have greatly influenced your heritage by passing down a love of God.

Now it’s your turn. You can pass on, or start, a priceless heritage by sharing what you know about Jesus with your family.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Gingerbread Family

You’ll Need: paper, crayons or washable markers, gingerbread cookie cutter

Help your child use the cookie cutter shape to draw gingerbread figures that represent your family, and let your child color them. Suggest that your child give his picture to a family member who tells him about Jesus.

People Who Help Me Learn

Look through a family photo album. Point out people who helped you learn about Jesus. Let your child point out people that help him learn about Jesus.

Sing, Pray and Learn from Family

As your child sings songs about Jesus, prays with adults, or listens to Bible stories, help him name some of the people who tell him about Jesus every day. Talk about ways other family members who don’t live near you, help your child learn about Jesus. For example, they may receive a Bible storybook from a grandparent who lives far away.

Be Timothy

Read the Bible story. Have your preschooler act out the parts of Timothy as a young boy listening to Bible stories and as a grown man telling people about Jesus.

Thank God for Teachers

As you look at family pictures hanging on your wall or in a photo album, thank God for each person that teaches your family about Jesus.



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