Jesus Knew All about Nathanael
John 1:43-49 Our story comes from the Bible. It is found in the part, or book, of the Bible called John. John was one of the special helpers of Jesus. Jesus traveled to many places to help people and tell them about God. But Jesus wanted some helpers as He traveled and talked about God. Jesus was visiting a town called Bethany. He decided to go to another town called Bethsaida, near a lake called Galilee. Before Jesus left Bethany, He met a man named Philip. Philip was the kind of helper Jesus wanted. So, Jesus told Philip, "Follow Me." Philip was excited about being Jesus' helper. He went to find his friend Nathanael. Philip found his friend Nathanael sitting under a fig tree. It was a nice shady place where Nathanael could study. He liked to study the Scriptures, God's Word. Philip said, "Nathanael! I just met the person Moses talked about long ago. He's the one all the Scriptures tell about—God's Son! It is Jesus from ...