
03/16/2025 - Jesus Helps a Man Hear and Speak - Mark 7:32-37

03/16/2025 - Jesus Helps a Man Hear and Speak - Mark 7:32-37

03/02/2025 - Jesus Stops the Storm • Matthew 8:23-27

02/23/2025 - The Twelve Disciples • Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9-10, 10:2-4; John 1:43-49

02/16/2025 - Philip and Nathanael • John 1:43-49

02/09/2025 - Matthew • Matthew 9:9-10

02/02/2025 - Simon, Andrew, James, and John • Matthew 4:18-22

01/26/2025 - Zacchaeus • Luke 19:1-10

01/19/2025 - Mary, Martha, and Lazarus • John 11:1-3, 20, 28-36

01/12/2025 - Jesus Heals Ten Men • Luke 17:11-16

01/05/2025 - Peter Walks on Water • Matthew 14:22-33

12/29/2024 - The Wise Men • Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

12/22/2024 - Happy Birthday, Jesus! • Luke 1:26-33, 38, 2:1-20

12/15/2024 - The Shepherds • Luke 2:8-20

12/08/2024 - Jesus Is Born • Luke 2:1-7

12/01/2024 - The Angel and Mary • Luke 1:26-33, 38

11/24/2024 - King Hezekiah Prays to God • Isaiah 37:14-21, 35; 38:1-6, 20

11/17/2024 - Elijah and the Widow • 1 Kings 17:1-16

11/10/2024 - Pillars of Cloud and Fire • Exodus 13:3-4, 21-22

11/03/2024 - Burning Bush • Exodus 3:1-18, 6:11; Psalm 118:7

10/27/2024 - Jonah • Jonah 1–3:3

10/20/2024 - Joseph • Genesis 37, 39–47

10/13/2024 - Hagar and Ishmael • Genesis 21:14-20

10/06/2024 - Daniel and the Lions • Daniel 6:1-23

09/29/2024 - Tabitha Helps - Acts 9:36-42

09/22/2024 - We Are the Light - Matthew 5:14-16; Acts 8:26-35

09/15/2024 - Jesus Gives a New Command - John 4:1-30, 13:34-35; Luke 18:15-16, 19:1-10

09/08/2024 - The Man at the Pool - John 5:1-9

09/01/2024 - Jesus Is the Light - John 1:4-5, 8:12, 9:5

08/25/2024 - God Loves Me • John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-10

08/18/2024 - God Knows Everything about Me - Psalm 139:1-4; Matthew 10:30

08/11/2024 - God Made Me in His Image - Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 28:7, 104:24, 121:2; Proverbs 2:6; Acts 17:24

08/04/2024 - God Made Me - Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:13-14

07/28/2024 - Heaven - Revelation 21, 22:1-5; John 14:3

07/21/2024 - Be Joyful with Others - Romans 12:15

07/14/2024 - Wedding at Cana - John 2:1-11

07/07/2024 - Shepherds and Angels - Luke 2:8-20

06/30/2024 - God Will Give Us Joy - Habakkuk 3:17-18–28:10

06/30/2024 - God Will Give Us Joy - Habakkuk 3:17-18–28:10

06/16/2024 - Ezra and the Rebuilding of the Temple - Ezra 3:10-13

06/09/2024 - Feast of Booths - Deuteronomy 16:13-17

06/02/2024 - Story of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

05/26/2014 - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - Daniel 3:10–28

05/19/2024 - Jeremiah - Jeremiah 31:3, 29:11

05/12/2024 - Hannah - 1 Samuel 1–2

05/05/2024 - King Josiah - 2 Chronicles 34

04/28/2024 - Shine Like the Stars - Philippians 2:14-16

04/21/2024 - Early Church - Acts 2:42-47; John 15:12; Hebrews 10:24

04/14/2024 - Great Commission - Matthew 28:18-20

04/07/2024 - Light of the World - Matthew 5:1-2, 14-16

03/31/2024 - Easter - Matthew 26:26–28:10

03/24/2024 - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16

03/17/2024 - Washing Feet - John 13:3-17

03/10/2024 - Follow Me - Matthew 9:9-12; Luke 5:1-11

03/03/2024 - Woman at the Well - John 4:1-30

02/25/2024 - Jesus and the Children - Luke 18:15-16

02/18/2024 - Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-10

02/11/2024 - The Unloved Woman - John 8:2-11

02/04/2024 - The Man with Leprosy - Matthew 8:1-3; Mark 1:40-45

01/28/2024 - Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-24

01/21/2024 - Bigger Barns - Acts 2:45; Luke 12:16-23

01/14/2024 - Birds and Flowers - Matthew 6:25-34

01/07/2024 - Jesus Teaches a Crowd - Mark 6:30-34

12/31/2023 - The Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

12/24/2023 - Happy Birthday, Jesus! - Luke 1:26-33, 38; 2:1–21

12/17/2023 - The Shepherds - Luke 2:8-21

12/10/2023 - Jesus Is Born - Luke 2:1-7

12/03/2023 - The Angel and Mary - Luke 1:26-33, 38

11/26/2023 - David Praises God - 2 Samuel 6:12-15; Psalm 149:1-5

11/19/2023 - Manna and Quail - Exodus 16

11/12/2023 - David and Jonathan - 1 Samuel 18:1-4

11/05/2023 - Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz - Ruth 1–2

10/29/2023 - Miriam - Exodus 2:4-10, 15:20-21; Micah 6:4

10/22/2023 - Esther - Esther 2:21–8:17

10/15/2023 - David and Goliath - 1 Samuel 17:1-50

10/08/2023 - David and Goliath - 1 Samuel 17:1-50

10/01/2023 - Rahab and the Spies - Joshua 2:1-24, 6:24-25

09/24/2023 - Naaman - 2 Kings 5:1-14

09/17/2023 - Jonah - Jonah 1:1–3:10

09/10/2023 - Moses and the Sea - Exodus 13:17-18; 14

09/03/2023 - In the Garden - Genesis 1:31, 2:8–3:24

08/27/2023 - Land Animals and People - Genesis 1:24–2:3

08/20/2023 - Sea Animals and Birds - Genesis 1:20-23

08/13/2023 - Land, Plants, and Seas and Sun, Moon, and Stars - Genesis 1:9-19

08/06/2023 - Light and Dark, Sky above Water - Genesis 1:3-8

07/30/2023 - Heaven • John 14:3; Revelation 21:3-5

07/23/2023 - The Church - Hebrews 10:23-25; Acts 2:42-47

07/16/2023 - Paul Is Shipwrecked - Acts 27:1-2, 14-25, 33-36, 41; 28:1,7-9

07/09/2023 - Paul and Silas Are Thrown into Prison - Acts 16:16-40

07/02/2023 - Salvation Is God’s Gift - Ephesians 2:8-9

06/25/2023 - An Angel Helps Peter Escape from Prison - Acts 12:1-19

06/18/2023 - Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius - Acts 10

06/11/2023 - Ananias Helps Paul - Acts 9:10-31

06/04/2023 - Paul Becomes a Believer - Acts 9:1-9

05/28/2023 - Rebekah Helps - Genesis 24:15-20

05/21/2023 - Timothy and Tabitha - 1 Timothy 4:12; Acts 9:36-39

05/14/2023 - The Four Friends - Mark 2:1-12

05/07/2023 - Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37

04/30/2023 - Early Church - Acts 2:42-47

04/23/2023 - Great Commission - Matthew 28:19-20

04/16/2023 - Breakfast on the Beach - John 21:1-14

04/09/2023 - Easter - Matthew 26:20-50; 27:1-2; 28:1-7; John 13:33; 14:1-3, 28

04/02/2023 - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16

03/26/2023 - Jesus Loves Everyone - The Gospels

03/19/2023 - Jesus Helps - John 6:1-13

03/12/2023 - Jesus Is Gentle - Mark 5:25-34

03/05/2023 - Jesus Washes His Friends’ Feet - John 13:3-7, 34-35

02/26/2023 - The Thankful Woman - Luke 7:36-50

02/19/2023 - The Centurion - Matthew 8:5-13

02/12/2023 - Mary and Martha - Luke 10:38-42

02/05/2023 - Jesus and the Children - Luke 18:15-16

01/29/2023 - Healing a Man Born Blind - John 9:1-12

01/22/2023 - Catching Fish - Luke 5:1-10

01/15/2023 - Calming the Storm - Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41

01/08/2023 - Water to Wine - John 2:1-11

01/01/2023 - Jesus Teaches at the Temple - Luke 2:41-50

12/25/2022 - Wise Men • Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

12/18/2022 - The Shepherds • Luke 2:8-22

12/11/2022 - Jesus Is Born • Luke 2:1-7

/04/2022 - The Angel and Mary • Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49

11/27/2022 - Nehemiah Repairs a Wall • Nehemiah 1–3

11/20/2022 - Aaron and Hur Help Moses - Exodus 17:8-13

11/13/2022 - Elijah and the Widow - 1 Kings 17:7-16

11/06/2022 - Every Good and Perfect Gift - James 1:17; Genesis 1

10/30/2022 - God’s Plan for Me - Jeremiah 29:11

10/23/2022 - Joseph and the Grain - Genesis 41–45

10/16/2022 - Joseph’s Journey - Genesis 37; Genesis 39–40

10/09/2022 - God’s Promise - Genesis 8–9:17

10/02/2022 - Noah’s Ark - Genesis 6–7

09/25/2022 - Abraham and Sarah Are Happy - Genesis 21:1-8

09/18/2022 - Moses Is Frustrated - Numbers 11:4-17

09/11/2022 - Gideon Is Afraid - Judges 6:2-4, 11-12

09/04/2022 - Hannah Is Sad - 1 Samuel 1:2-20

08/28/2022 - You Are Important to God - Luke 12:7

08/21/2022 - In God’s Image - Acts 17:24; Psalm 46:1; Proverbs 2:6

08/14/2022 - Wonderfully Made - Psalm 139:14; Genesis 1:26

08/07/2022 - God Made You - Genesis 1

07/31/2022 - When Jesus Is Your Friend Forever - John 3:16

07/24/2022 - Jesus and the Little Children - Mark 10:13-16

07/17/2022 - David and Jonathan - 1 Samuel 20; 2 Samuel 9

07/10/2022 - City on a Hill - Matthew 5:14-16

07/03/2022 - The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37

06/26/2022 - Simeon at the Temple - Luke 2:22-39

06/19/2022 - Abigail Intervenes - 1 Samuel 25:1-35

06/12/2022 - Paul and Silas in Prison - Acts 16:16-34

06/05/2022 - We Love Because God Loves Us - 1 John 4:9-13

05/29/2022 - God Rested - Genesis 1:1–2:3

05/22/2022 - Animals & People - Genesis 1:24-31

05/15/2022 - Birds & Fish - Genesis 1:20-21

05/08/2022 - Land, Plants, Sea & Sun, Moon, Stars - Genesis 1:9-19

05/01/2022 - Light & Dark, Sky & Water - Genesis 1:3-8

04/17/2022 - Breakfast on the Beach - John 21:1-14

04/17/2022 - Easter - Matthew 26:21-30; 27:1-2; 28:1-7

04/10/2022 - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16

04/03/2022 - Walking on Water - Matthew 14:22-33

03/27/2022 - Feeding 5000 - Mark 6:31-44

03/20/2022 - The Twelve - The Gospels

03/13/2022 - Matthew (Tax Collector) - Matthew 9:9-12

03/06/2022 - Andrew & Peter; James & John - Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11

02/27/2022 - Do Everything in Love - 1 Corinthians 16:14

02/20/2022 - Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-10

02/13/2022 - Woman at the Well - John 4:1-30

02/06/2022 - Banquet Parable - Matthew 22:8-10

01/30/2022 - House on a Rock - Matthew 7:24-27

01/23/2022 - Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37

01/16/2022 - Bigger Barns - Acts 2:45; Luke 12:16-21

01/09/2022 - The Lost Sheep - Luke 15:3-7

01/02/2022 - Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-24

12/26/2021 - The Wise Men - Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

12/19/2021 - The Shepherds - Luke 2:8-21

12/12/2021 - Jesus Is Born - Luke 2:1-7

12/05/2021 - The Angel and Mary - Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49

11/28/2021 - Elisha’s Room - 2 Kings 4:8-17

11/21/2021 - Manna - Exodus 16

11/14/2021 - David and Jonathan - 1 Samuel 18:1-4

11/07/2021 - Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz - Ruth 1–2

10/31/2021 - David Praises - 2 Samuel 6:12-15

10/24/2021 - David Helps Mephibosheth - 1 Samuel 20:14-17; 2 Samuel 9:1-13

10/17/2021 - David and Goliath - 1 Samuel 17:1-50

10/10/2021 - David Protects Sheep - 1 Samuel 17:34-37
10/03/2021 - David Chosen as King - 1 Samuel 16:6-13

09/26/2021 - Esther - Esther 2:2–8:17

09/19/2021 - Rahab and the Spies - Joshua 2:1-22; 6:22-25

09/12/2021 - Deborah - Judges 4 and 5

09/05/2021 - Moses’ Mom - Exodus 1:22–2:10

08/29/2021 - Daniel and the Lions - Daniel 6:1-23

08/22/2021 - Daniel’s Food - Daniel 1:8-17

08/15/2021 - Moses and the Water - Exodus 17:1-7

08/08/2021 - Moses and the Sea - Exodus 13:17-18; 14

08/01/2021 - God Made Me - Genesis 1:26; Psalm 139:14

07/25/2021 - Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love - Romans 8:38-39

07/18/2021 - Armor of God - Ephesians 6:10-17

07/11/2021 - Peter Walks on Water - Matthew 14:22-33

07/04/2021 - Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego - Daniel 3:1-28

06/27/2021 - Elijah and the Fire - 1 Kings 18

06/20/2021 - Gideon - Judges 6–8

06/13/2021 - Jericho - Joshua 5:13–6:27

06/06/2021 - Greatest Verse Ever - John 3:16

05/30/2021 - Gideon’s Army - Judges 7:1-8

05/23/2021 - Josiah - 2 Chronicles 34

05/16/2021 - Naaman - 2 Kings 5:1-14

05/09/2021 - Jonah - Jonah 1:1–3:10

05/02/2021 - In the Garden - Genesis 1:31; 2:8–3:24

04/24/2021 - Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20

04/18/2021 - Early Church - Acts 2:42-47

04/11/2021 - Breakfast on the Beach - John 21:1-14

04/04/2021 - Easter - Matthew 26:20-30; 27:45-50; 28:1-7

03/28/2021 - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-16

03/21/2021 - Love One Another - John 13:34-35

03/14/2021 - Washing Feet - John 13:3-17
03/07/2021 - Light of the World - Matthew 5:14-16

02/28/2021 - The Thankful Woman - Luke 7:36-50

02/21/2021 - The Centurion - Matthew 8:5-13
02/14/2021 - Mary and Martha - Luke 10:38-42

02/07/2021 - Jesus and the Children - Luke 18:15-16

01/31/2021 - Healing the Blind Man - John 9:1-12

01/24/2021 - Catching Fish - Luke 5:1-10

01/17/2021 - Calming the Storm - Matthew 8:23-27
01/10/2021 - Mark 2:1-12 - The Four Friends

01/03/2021 - Luke 2:41-50 - Jesus Teaches at the Temple

12/27/2020 - Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11 - Wise Men

12/20/2020 - Luke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds

12/13/2020 - Luke 2:1-7 - Jesus Is Born

12/06/2020 - Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49 - The Angel and Mary

11/29/2020 - Psalm 149:1-5 - We Can Praise God

11/22/2020 - Nehemiah 1–6 - Nehemiah Builds a Wall

11/15/2020 - Exodus 17:8-13 - Aaron Helps Moses

11/08/2020 - 1 Kings 17:7-16 - Elijah and the Widow

11/01/2020 - James 1:17; Genesis 1 - Every Good and Perfect Gift

10/25/2020 - Genesis 6:8-33, 7:1-24, 8:1–9:17 - Noah

10/11/2020 - Exodus 1:22–2:10 - Moses in the Basket

10/04/2020 - Daniel 3:1-28 - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

09/20/2020 - Genesis 41 - Joseph Saves the Grain

09/06/2020 - Genesis 37; Jeremiah 1:5 - Joseph Gets a Coat and Goes to Egypt

08/30/2020 - 1 Timothy 4:12; Acts 9:36-39 - God Made Me to Help Others

08/23/2020 - Jeremiah 29:12; Matthew 6:5-13 - I Can Pray to God

08/16/2020 - John 3:16 - God Loves Us So Much

08/09/2020 - Luke 12:7 - You Are Important to God

08/02/2020 - Genesis 1:26; Psalm 46:1; Proverbs 2:6 - Wonderfully Made In God's Image

07/26/2020 - John 14:2-3; Acts 1:1-11 - Jesus Prepares a Place

07/19/2020 - Acts 28:11-31 - Paul in Rome

07/12/2020 - Acts 17:16-34 - Paul Teaches in Athens

07/04/2020 - Luke 22:54-62; John 21:15-19 - Ephesians 2:8-9 - Peter's Denial

06/28/2020 - Acts 10 - Peter and Cornelius

06/21/2020 - Acts 9:1-20 - Paul’s Conversion

06/14/2020 - Matthew 26-28 - John 21:1-14 - Jesus is Alive and Our Good Friend Forever

06/07/2020 - The Gospels - God's Son, Jesus

05/31/2020 - Luke 15:8-10 - The Lost Coin

05/24/2020 - John 3:16 - God Gave His Only Son

05/17/2020 - Luke 15:11-24 - The Prodigal Son

05/10/2020 - Esther 2:2-8:17 - Esther

05/03/2020 - Genesis 1:26; Psalm 139:14 - God Made Me

04/26/2020 - Matthew 28:19-20 - The Great Commission

04/19/2020 - John 21:1-14 - Breakfast on the Beach

04/12/2020 - Matthew 26:20-50; 27:1-2; 28:1-7 - Easter

04/05/2020 - Matthew - Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16 - Palm Sunday

03/29/2020 - John 13:34-35 - Love One Another

03/22/2020 - The Gospels - The Twelve

03/15/2020 - Matthew 9:9-12 - Matthew Followed Jesus

09/24/2017 - Genesis 21:1-6 - Abraham and Sarah and Baby Isaac

07/02/2017 - Genesis 26:12-25 - Isaac Did Not Fight


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