In the Garden

Genesis 1:31; 2:8–3:24

Our true story is found in a part of the Bible called Genesis. The word genesis means “the beginning.”

We begin in the VERY beginning, when God created the most perfect garden. It had big trees . . .

…beautiful flowers, and lots of plants. Some of these plants even had food on them! 

And there were SO many animals!

But God wasn’t done. As beautiful and perfect as the garden was, God knew it needed His most amazing creation. So God made people! First, God made Adam.

Then, God made Eve.

Now the garden was truly perfect.

God gave Adam an important job to do! God told Adam to name ALL the animals and take care of them. Adam and Eve lived in God's wonderful garden, and they knew that God's way is perfect.

They could eat fruit from ANY of the trees except for one. In fact, it was the only rule. God told them to never, ever eat that one fruit. But guess what? Even though they knew the rule, Eve still ate the fruit. "Eve, OH, NO!" But that's not all. Then she handed the fruit to Adam. And guess what? Adam ate it, too. "Adam, OH, NO!"

Oh, no is right! Adam and Eve didn’t do things God’s way. And because of that, God had to send them away from His beautiful garden. But God still loved Adam and Eve, very much. They had food to eat and animals to take care of, but it was a LOT harder. It would have been so much better if they had followed God’s way. Because God’s way is perfect.

Bible Paraphrase: God’s way is perfect. —2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV

Text Truth: God’s way is perfect.

Family Devotional

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31

Our Bible story was about how God made the world and everything in it. He even made a special garden where Adam and Eve lived. It was perfect, because God’s way is perfect.

God’s way is perfect2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV

With your family, make a list of your favorite foods that God made. With the food, write down the name of the family member who said that food. Then you can use your list to thank God for making food that tastes perfectly yummy.

Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. In your own words, thank God for making this amazing world and everything in it. Especially thank God for all of the yummy foods He made. "(Family member name) wants to thank You for making (food they named)." Continue with each family member and the food they listed. Ask God to help you always trust that God's way is perfect and to go God's way. Thank God for His love and let God know that you love him. Close your prayer by saying, "In Jesus' name, amen."

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Some story illustrations are in the Public Domain.

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