We Can Praise God

Psalm 149:1-5

Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Psalms. The word psalm means holy song or special song.

Let's celebrate and praise God because He is GOOD. Now, to celebrate, we need instruments. And they are all around, if you look for them.

One instrument you and find is…your hands! You can clap you hands to make sound.

Another instrument is…a box or container! You can use your hand to beat on it, and have…a drum!

Another instrument is…two sticks. They could be popsicle sticks or two pencils. If you use pencils, please do not have sharp points on your pencils. You can take your sticks and hit them together, to may rhythm sticks.

And, another instrument is…a drink bottle! A drink bottle? Yes! And with it, you can make a shaker bottle! After you finish drinking from the bottle, you can wash it out and dry it. Then, you can put something inside the bottle to make sound. Like, beads, coins, paperclips, dried beans, rice, or other things.

Pick an instrument, and get ready to celebrate!

What are some things that God made? Oh…Grass, sky, trees, flowers, and animals! They are all gifts to us from God because God is good! Praise God because He is good. Get your instrument ready and play them when we say, “God is good!” I can praise God because . . . “God is good!”

God gives us yummy things to eat like cake and bread, fruits and veggies, dumplings and noodles! If you could eat a piece of a cake, a juicy orange, or a plate of buttery noodles, which one would you choose? We can thank God because we have food to eat. God is good. I can praise God because . . . “God is good!”

We all have different families who love us. The people who love us are gifts from God. God gave them to us because God is good. I can praise God because . . . “God is good!”

What about our helpers? How about a nurse or doctor who helps people when they’re sick? What about friends who share? And neighbors who rake leaves for their next-door neighbor? There are so many people who help us. God gives us people who can help us because God is good. I can praise God because . . .  “God is good!”

Yes! God is good, and we can praise Him for what He’s made, for our food, our family, and for the people who help us. We have SO much to be thankful for. God is good. And praising God is a good way to say thank you. We can ALWAYS praise God because God is good! 

Bible Paraphrase: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. — Psalm 107:1, NIV

Text Truth: I can praise God because He is good.

Family Devotional

Praise the Lord.
Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.
Psalm 149:1

Our Bible story was about how we can praise God because He is good! We can praise Him for this amazing world He made, for food, for family, and for people who help us. Everywhere we look, we see good gifts from God because God is good!

Give thanks to the LORD for he is goodPsalm 107:1, NIV

With your family, each of you right down the statement, "GOD IS GOOD." Then, say it all together: "God is good!" 

Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. In your own words, tell God that you praise Him because He is good! Tell God that each member of your family wants to tell Him something. (Have each family member, in turn, tell God, "I praise You because you are good."). Thank God for His love and acknowledge to God your love for Him.

Some story illustrations are in the Public Domain.

Other story illustrations not in the Public Domain are the property of their respective owners.


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