
Judges 6–8

Our true story comes from a part called the Book of Judges. A judge is someone who tells people what the law says.

We begin with a man named Gideon. One day, God told Gideon to take his army and battle the Midianite army. Oh, no! This made Gideon afraid because the Midianite army was REALLY big. And Gideon’s army, well, it was small.

So, we have the really BIG army then we have Gideon and God’s small army. Well, Gideon didn’t think he should be the one in charge of the army. He didn’t think he was that important. But Gideon knew he could trust God, so he did what God told him to do.

Do you know what God told Gideon to do? It’s pretty awesome! God told Gideon to tell each soldier to take a trumpet, a torch, and a jar, then follow Gideon.

They snuck into the big army’s camp. When Gideon told them to, they . . . 

 . . . blew their trumpets! And broke the jars! And they shouted, “For the Lord and for Gideon!”

And just like that the Midianites ran away. God’s army had won! You see? You’re never too small to trust God! You can trust God, and I can trust God.

Bible Paraphrase: I trust in God. I am not afraid. Psalm 56:11, NIrV

Text Truth: God can use you, no matter what.

Family Devotional

“Watch me,” he told them. “Follow my lead. When I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do. When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, ‘For the Lord and for Gideon.’”
—Judges 7:17-18

Our Bible story was about how God used Gideon to do a really big thing, even though Gideon and his army were small. Gideon trusted that God could use him, so he did everything God told him to do. Gideon and his army carried the torches, broke the jars, and played the horns. And it worked! Gideon’s army won the battle!

God can use you and me, no matter what, too. We just have to trust God and not be afraid.

I trust in God. I am not afraid. —Psalm 56:11, NIrV

With your family, make a list of things that sometimes make you afraid. We all feel afraid at times.

Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. In your own words, say, “Dear God, we know we can trust You. But sometimes we forget and things like (read through your family's list) make us afraid. Please help us remember that we can always trust you and we don’t have to be afraid. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


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