Catching Fish
Luke 5:1-10
Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wanted others to know and love Jesus, too. And the word gospel means “good news!”
We begin with a group of fishermen. They’d been fishing all night long. Fishing for hours and hours. How many fish do you think they caught after all that fishing? A hundred fish? Two hundred fish? Nope, they caught ZERO fish. Not one. They tried all night but came back without any fish. So sad. So, they brought their boats back to the shore and started cleaning their nets.
Just then, Jesus came to the shore. And a crowd of people followed him. They wanted to hear Jesus’ amazing teaching about how much God loves them. But there were so many people, and they kept getting closer and closer and closer. Soon Jesus had no room to stand on the sand, so He asked Peter the fisherman if He could use his boat.
Jesus got into the boat, and He taught the people about God. When He finished teaching, He said to Peter, “Let’s go fishing!”
Peter told Jesus that he had tried all night to catch fish and didn’t catch a single one. But since Jesus asked, Peter agreed to try one more time.
They let down their nets into the water and they waited.
Do you want to know what happened? Oh, my! The nets FILLED with fish.
There are SO many fish that the nets are breaking. They even had to get another boat. Soon, they had two full boats of fish. Everyone was amazed! And who was powerful enough, amazing enough, out-of-this-world enough to do that? Jesus! Jesus can do anything because Jesus is God’s Son!
Bible Paraphrase: Everyone who heard him was amazed. — Luke 2:47, NIV
Text Truth: Jesus’ miracles are amazing.
Family Devotional
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
—Luke 5:4-7
Our Bible story was about a miracle Jesus did. A miracle is something that only Jesus can do. Jesus made Peter catch so many fish that they filled two boats! Peter and the other fishermen were amazed!
Everyone who heard him was amazed. —Luke 2:47, NIV
We have talked a lot about things only Jesus can do. Jesus can make people better, stop storms, and teach us about God. The most amazing thing Jesus ever did is when He died and came back, just like He said He would. Jesus is alive today, and He wants to be your friend forever. Jesus is amazing! With your family, each of you write down your favorite Jesus miracle.
Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. In your own words, tell God that Jesus really is amazing! And He did so many amazing things while He was on Earth, so that you may know He is God's Son. "Jesus" (read the list your family made). Acknowledge that the thought that Jesus is alive today and wants to be your friend forever is the best news ever! Thank God for His love and acknowledge to God your love for Him.
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