Jesus Healed Ten and One Gave Thanks

Luke 17:11-19

Our story comes from the Bible. It is in a part, or book, of the Bible called Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wrote about Him so that others could know Jesus and love Jesus, too.

The Bible tells us about some men. These men were sick. There were: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ten men who were sick.  The men had a disease called leprosy. They had bad sores all over their skin. No one would come near the men—not even their families. In Bible times, people were afraid that they would get sick too if they got too close.

So, the ten sick men had to leave their homes and families and live by themselves outside the town. They couldn’t get near to anyone. Sometimes they felt like no one cared about them.

One day, Jesus was walking down a road near where the men lived. The ten sick men saw Jesus coming. They knew they needed help and that only Jesus could help them. Standing far away from the edge of the road, they cried out to Him as loud as they could, “Jesus, please help us!” Jesus stopped because He cared about the men. He knew how sick and lonely they were.

“Go show yourselves to the priests,” He said. The priests worked in the temple. If the priests told the men that they were well, they could live in the town again with their families.

As the ten men hurried toward the town, an amazing thing happened. When they looked down, they saw that their sores were gone! They were healed! Now they could be with their families. They ran to the town as fast as they could.

But then one of the men came back to Jesus. He got down on his knees. “Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for caring for me,” he said.

Jesus had made all ten men well. But only one came back to thank Jesus.

Because Jesus had cared for him, the man could be thankful. He remembered that no one else had been able to help them. Because Jesus cares, we can be thankful, too.

Bible Paraphrase: The Lord is my helper. (“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” – Hebrews 13:6 NIV)

Text Truth: Jesus cares, we can be thankful.

Family Devotional

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. — Luke 17:15-16

These ten men were definitely social outcasts. Even their families were living their daily lives without them. Life must have felt very lonely and uncaring until Jesus healed them.

Look at verse 15, again. Jesus’ caring reached deep into the man’s heart. His response was one of extreme thankfulness—praising God.

When you are feeling lonely, call out to Jesus the way the lepers did. He cares about you. May your reaction to His care be a loud and boisterous “Thank You, Jesus!”

Activities You Can Do at Home

Bible Story Rhyme

Say this rhyme and act out the Bible story.

Jesus cared for ten sick men.
He made each one well again.
Nine men ran to town right away.
One came back and stopped to say,
“Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.”

Bible Rhyme

This rhyme reminds us that Jesus is our helper.

Jesus made sick people well
(Point to the palm of each hand.)
And talked to His friends every day.
(Tap fingers on thumbs for talking.)
I know the Lord is my helper.
(Point up, then to self.)
He listens whenever I pray.
(Fold hands in prayer.)

T-H-A-N-K Song

Sing these words to the tune of “Bingo.” Sing the song six times. After singing the song one time, have your child stop and clap a letter instead of singing it. Repeat until all the letters are clapped.

Jesus cares for everyone,
And we just want to thank Him.
We’ll all say, “Thank You, Jesus.”

Books about Thankfulness

Read books to your child about thankfulness. As you snuggle, tell your child about a time he was sick and how thankful you are that Jesus made him well.

Oh, Jesus, Thank You

This song, sung to the tune of "Jesus Loves Me" will let your preschooler thank Jesus for His care.

Thank You for the food I eat,
(Make eating motions.)
And for all the friends I meet.
(Wave to friends.)
Thank You for the clothes I wear,
(Point to clothing.)
And for all Your love and care.
(Hug self.)

Oh, Jesus, thank You.
Oh, Jesus, thank You.
Oh, Jesus, thank You.
Thank You for everything.

Thanks for the Day

As you tuck your child in bed, talk about the day and how Jesus showed His care to you today. Thank Him for all the ways He cared for you.

Act out the Bible Story

You’ll Need: plastic spoons, washable markers, play dough

Use plastic spoons for the lepers and Jesus. Add faces with markers and place the spoons in play dough bases. Repeat the story several times. Encourage your child to help you count and move the figures.

Pray and Give Thanks

You’ll Need: paper, safety scissors, pencils, or crayons

Write things your family is thankful for on paper hearts. When you're finished, shout "Thank You, Jesus!" after you read each heart.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


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