Jesus Heals a Man by a Pool

John 5:1-15

Our story comes from the Bible. It is found in the part, or book, of the Bible called John. John was one of the special helpers of Jesus.

Walk, walk, walk. The Bible tells us that Jesus traveled to the big city of Jerusalem. He was going to worship God at the temple. It was a busy time in Jerusalem. Many people had come to the city to worship God, too. Some had even brought animals to sell.

Near the city gate was a place called Bethesda (buh-THEZ-duh). The name means “house of grace” or “house of mercy.” There at Bethesda was a pool of water. Many people came to the pool who were sick or couldn’t see or couldn’t walk. They lay on mats around the pool.

Sometimes the waters in the pool were stirred up. Many people thought that the first person to get into the pool, after the water was stirred, would be made well.

One of the people lying by the pool was a man who was lame. He could not walk. His legs had not worked for many years. He couldn’t even stand up. If he tried to stand up, he fell down. All the man could do was lie on his mat. Each day, his friends carried him to the pool.

One day, Jesus walked by the pool. He knew that the man had been waiting beside the pool for a long time. So, Jesus stopped and looked down at the man. “Do you want to get well?” Jesus asked.

The man answered, “I’ve been waiting for a long time for my legs to get better. But I have no one to help me get into the pool. Every time the waters are stirred, I try to get in, but someone else always gets in before me.”

So, Jesus said, “Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk.”

All at once the man was well. He did just what Jesus told him to do. He stood up, he rolled up his mat, and he walked.

The man could stand! His legs were healed! Jesus had made him well!

It was God’s special day, called the Sabbath. Some people were not happy that Jesus made a man well on God’s special day.

But Jesus knew that God wants good things to be done all the time, no matter what day it is.

The man was happy that Jesus had made him well. Jesus can make people well.

Bible Paraphrase: The Lord is my helper. (“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” – Hebrews 13:6 NIV)

Text Truth: Jesus can make people well.

Family Devotional

When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” — John 5:6-8

The man didn’t ask to be healed. He didn’t even know who Jesus was. But Jesus showed God’s power and grace in making the man well.

Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?” He told the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” The man was healed!

Jesus heals people today in all ways—spiritually, mentally, physically, and even emotionally. The healing power of prayer is a miracle conveying God’s grace and power.

That power is available to you. Use it not only when you are sick, but for every need in your life.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Weave a Mat

You'll Need: three 8-1/2" x 11" sheets of craft foam, stapler

Cut one foam sheet into 1" strips lengthwise. Cut another sheet into 1" strips widthwise. Lay long strips over the third sheet. Staple one end of each strip. Weave short strips in. Staple the loose ends.

Care for the Sick

Let your child help when someone you know is sick by bringing something to drink, playing quietly while a sibling is resting, making a get-well card, helping make a meal for someone, or sharing a favorite book or puzzle with a sick friend.

Play Hospital

Set up a doll hospital to help your child see how Jesus helps sick people today. Comfort "patients" by telling them Jesus loves them and can make them well.

Be the Sick Man

This is a great story to have your child act out as the sick man. Use a towel or a blanket for the mat. As you read that Jesus told the man to get up and walk, your child should get up and be joyful that Jesus made him well.

Pray for the Sick and Hurting 

As your child gets scrapes and bruises, pray that God would make them well. Pray also for those you know with more serious health concerns. Thank Him when someone who is sick gets well.

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