Jesus Stopped the Storm

Mark 4:35-41

Our story comes from a book of the Bible called Mark.

Many people came to see Jesus wherever He went. Old people, young people, and even sick people went to see Jesus. Jesus talked to the people and cared for them. Sometimes He made sick people better. Jesus took time to tell them about God’s love.

One day, Jesus and His friends got into a fishing boat and went a little way out into a big lake called the Sea of Galilee. From the boat, Jesus talked to the people who stood on shore. He told them about God. Everyone in the crowd could see and hear Him.

When evening came, it was time for Jesus and His friends to leave. They were near a town called Capernaum. Jesus told His friends, “Let’s take the boat to the other side of the lake.” So, leaving the crowd of people behind, they rowed out onto the lake.

Jesus was tired. He lay down in the back of the boat to sleep. Row, row. Into the middle of the lake they went.

While they were in the middle of the lake, the wind started to blow.

The rain came down. There was thunder and lightning. The boat started rocking back and forth. Great big waves broke over the top of the boat.

Jesus’ friends were scared. They went to the back of the boat to wake up Jesus.

Jesus stood and told the wind and the water, “Be still!”

Suddenly the wind and water were still! The wind stopped blowing. The waves calmed down.

Jesus asked His friends, “Why were you so scared? Don’t you know that I can help you?”

Jesus’ friends looked out over the quiet lake. They could hardly believe their eyes! “Even the wind and water obey Jesus!” they said. Only God has such power.

Jesus showed His friends that He cared when they were scared. Jesus cares when we’re scared, too.

Bible Paraphrase: The Lord is my helper. (“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” – Hebrews 13:6 NIV)

Text Truth: Jesus cares when we’re scared.

Family Devotional

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” — Mark 4:39-40

Jesus used this opportunity to demonstrate His power as the Son of God. Jesus reminded the disciples that they were in the presence of God. He was caring for them in the midst of the storm. They needed faith that He could calm the storm.

When you face a “life storm,” imagine Jesus asking that question “Why are you so afraid?” Believe that He is with you in the storm. You don’t need to be so afraid. The presence of God lives in you!

Jesus, the Son of God, cares about you just as He cared about His disciples in the boat.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Edible Boat

You’ll Need: banana, bear-shaped crackers

Make a simple, healthy snack to remember that Jesus cares when we are scared. Cut a peeled banana in half lengthwise. Fill the boat with bear-shaped crackers. As you munch on your snack, talk about how the disciples were scared during the storm. Jesus cares for them. He also cares for us when we are scared.

Jesus Cares for You

This song will remind your preschooler that Jesus cares for us all the time. Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

Are you sick, alone, or scared?
Jesus cares, Jesus cares.
(Point up on the word Jesus.)
Are you sick, alone, or scared?
Jesus cares for you.
(Point up and then to a person.)

Make Waves

As your child takes a bath before bed, have your child make waves in the water. Use a plastic boat and people for more fun. Say “Be still” and have your child stop making waves.

Rocking Boat

You’ll Need: rocking chair or chair cushions

Pretend to be the disciples on the stormy sea. Use a rocking chair or chair cushions on the floor to make a rocky boat. Make the sound of the wind and waves. Then pretend to be on a calm sea after Jesus stills the sea. Remind your child we can always ask Jesus to help us—on a boat, at home, at preschool.

Thank Jesus

Children are often scared of bugs or the dark. Talk with your child about his or her fears. Help your child tell Jesus about them. Thank Jesus for helping us when we are scared.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


  1. Great message. Keep up the good work of encouraging people with God's word. Indeed, Jesus stpppSt The Storm.


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