Peter and Paul Taught about Jesus

Acts 3:12-26; 16:4-5; 18:23; 20:20

Our story comes from a book of the Bible called Acts. That name is short for “the Acts of the Apostles.” The word "Apostle" is another word to describe a helper of Jesus.

The Bible tells us about two men who helped people learn about Jesus. One man was named Peter. The other was named Paul.

One day, Peter was in a city named Jerusalem. Peter met a man who couldn’t walk. He told the man about Jesus. God helped the man.

The people who knew the man were surprised. They knew that he had never been able to walk. As the people gathered around Peter, they wanted to know what Peter had done to help him.

Peter stepped in front of the people. He began to preach, or tell the people about Jesus.

“Why are you surprised that this man can walk?” asked Peter.

“I didn’t make him walk. It was God who made the man well. The man believed in Jesus, he can walk. You can see that with your own eyes,” said Peter.

Then Peter kept on talking. “God wants you to stop doing bad things. Long ago He promised to send His Son so you would change how you act and love God. Jesus is God's Son. He wants you to love God. Ask Him to help you. He can change you!' Peter helped people learn about Jesus wherever he went.

Now let's talk about Paul.

Sometimes Paul taught a lot of people who were together. Sometimes he talked to just a few people.

Paul traveled from town to town and country to country. He met people in their houses, on the beach, or in town.

He told them, "Jesus is God's Son." Every day Paul preached, and people believed in God. Paul helped people learn about Jesus.

Peter and Paul were both helpers for Jesus. They went to different places and talked to different people. But they both helped people learn about Jesus. Together we can learn about Jesus too.

Bible Paraphrase: Christ is the head of the church. (For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. – Ephesians 5:23 NIV)

Text Truth: Together we learn about Jesus.

Family Devotional

You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. — Acts 20:20

Whether you are a new disciple of Jesus, like Timothy was, or one who has walked with Jesus for years, like Peter, we all help others learn about Jesus because of His presence and power that lives within us.

God works through us when we go to the places He sends us and share His love and power with the people He brings to us. Invite Him to work through you in others. Together you will all learn about Jesus.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Bible Phrase Rhythm

Pat your knees two times, then clap your hands. Christ is another name for Jesus. Our Bible phrase tells us that Jesus is the leader of the Church. Say the Bible phrase rhythm with your child. Pat your knees twice for every word in bold. Clap one time for each underlined word.

Christ is the head of  the church.

Bible Phrase Song

The Bible phrase song helps us remember our Bible phrase from Ephesians 5:23. Sing the words to the tune, “The Farmer in the Dell.”

Christ is the head of the church.
(Point up, then put hands together in a point.)
Christ is the head of the church.
(Point up, then put hands together in a point.)
We sing and pray to God because
(Fold hands in prayer.)
Christ is the head of the church.
(Point up, then put hands together in a point.)

Praise and Worship on the Go

Use the time you spend in the car this week to learn more about Jesus. Play praise songs your child is familiar with from Sunday school and church or listen to recorded Bible stories.

Share What You Learned

As you get your child ready for bed, talk about what you learned about Jesus that day. Who helped you learn more about Jesus?

Where Do You Learn?

Act out with your child the different places you learn about Jesus together. Let your child play Sunday school with you. Include some stuffed animals or dolls. Talk together about very recent family devotion times and what you all learned together.

Be Paul or Peter

Let your child pretend to be Paul or Peter and share with your family his favorite Bible story. Then change roles and share your favorite story about Jesus with your child. Everyone in your family can take a turn sharing their favorite story about Jesus.

Thank God for His Truths 

Ask for one truth your child knows about God. Reinforce this truth. Then ask who helped teach this and where your child learned this truth. Thank God for those people and times.

The illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported license.


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