Jesus and His Family Went to the Temple

Luke 2:42-51

Our story comes from the Bible. It is in the part, or book, of the Bible called Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wrote about Him so that others could know Jesus and love Jesus, too.

The Bible tells us about Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. From the time that Jesus was a little boy, they lived in a town called Nazareth.

Every spring, Mary and Joseph took a trip to the city of Jerusalem. They went to the temple for the Passover Feast. This was a special holiday where people worshiped God. This year, Jesus was 12 years old. It was time for Him to go with them. Some of their family, friends, and neighbors probably went with them.

They all walked on the long trip to Jerusalem. The trip would take a few days.

In Jerusalem, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and all the people went to the temple to worship God.

When it was time to go home, Mary and Joseph packed their things and started home with their friends and neighbors. Jesus wasn't with them, but Mary and Joseph weren't worried. They thought Jesus was with His friends or other people in their group.

At the end of the day, Mary and Joseph still didn't see Jesus. They couldn't find Him anywhere.

So, Mary and Joseph traveled back to Jerusalem to find Jesus.

After three days, Mary and Joseph finally found Jesus at the temple sitting with the teachers.

Jesus was asking the teachers questions and telling them things about God. He listened to what the teachers said. The people who heard Jesus were surprised that a boy knew so much about God.

Mary asked Jesus, "Why didn't you start home with us? We have been worried about you. We have looked everywhere for you."

Jesus answered, "You didn't have to worry about Me. I needed to stay here to listen and talk with the teachers about God, My Father in heaven!”

Then Jesus went home with His family. As Jesus grew up, He obeyed His family.

As Jesus grew and listened and learned, He became more pleasing to God and the people around Him.

Bible Paraphrase: [Jesus] grew and became strong. (And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. Luke 2:40 NIV)

Text Truth: Jesus listened and we can too.

Family Devotional

The Bible teaches that there's a difference between knowing a lot of information and being wise. It's one thing to recognize the truth; it's another to live in a godly way based on what we know.

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.  – James 3:13

If there are areas in your life where you are seeking greater wisdom, ask God for it.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. – James 1:5

Thank God for the He gives you to handle the situation.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Bible Phrase Song

Sing the Bible phrase to the tune “10 Little Indians.” To help your child learn the words, teach the 
 actions at the same time.

Jesus grew and became strong.
(Crouch down, stand up, then make muscle arms.)
Jesus grew and became strong.
(Crouch down, stand up, then make muscle arms.)
Jesus grew and became strong.
(Crouch down, stand up, then make muscle arms.)
From Luke 2 verse 40.
(Hold hands open like a book.)

Bible Rhyme

This Bible rhyme is another way to practice the Bible phrase. The Bible phrase is the last line of the rhyme. Teach the words and actions a line at a time. Have your child repeat each line back to you.

Jesus was born a baby,
(Rock arms back and forth.)
The angels said loud and long.
(Cup hands around mouth.)
Then as He got older,
(Raise up on tiptoes.)
Jesus grew and became strong.
(Flex arm muscles.)

What is Inside?

Put items that make a distinct noise in small containers. Have your child close his eyes, shake each container, and guess what is inside. Let him pick something that makes noise and have you guess what it is.

Travel and Listen 

Listen this week as you travel. What do you hear? You might hear the radio in the car, or hammering at a construction site. If the weather permits, take a walk around your neighborhood and discuss what sounds you hear along the way.

Watch and Listen 

Get time with your child to quietly watch what others are doing and listen to them. Ask questions as needed. Together plan a way to offer help. For example, if Mom is cleaning house, go pick up toys

Listen to Bible Stories 

Read Bible stories to your child this week. Encourage her to be a good listener. Then let other family members tell Bible stories. Just like Jesus listened to God's Word, so can we.

Talk and Listen to God 

Prayer is talking and listening to God. Help your family learn to listen to what God says. There are many ways to listen to God, but this week, try a short time of calm quiet after you talk to God or read the Bible.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


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