Jesus Called Peter, Andrew, James and John

Matthew 4:18-22

Our story comes from the Bible. It is found in the book, or part, of the Bible called Matthew. Matthew was one of the special helpers of Jesus.

Peter and Andrew were brothers. Peter and Andrew were fishermen. Every day they would get up early, take a big net down to the water, and throw it in.

Once, Peter and Andrew threw their net into the water and waited to see if any fish would swim in it. While they were waiting, Jesus came walking by. Jesus called out to Peter and Andrew and said, “Come follow Me!”

Peter and Andrew left their fishing net and went to where Jesus was standing. Jesus talked to them about how every day they came to catch fish, but Jesus wanted them to follow Him and help tell people about how much God loves them. It would be like they were catching people for God.

Peter and Andrew decided to follow Jesus. But Jesus didn’t stop there. When He saw two more fishermen brothers named James and John. He called out to them and said, “Come and follow Me!”

And they did. James and John followed Jesus, just like Peter and Andrew did. That made four people following Jesus.

We can follow Jesus too. Jesus wants you to follow Him, so He can teach you about God and how to do things God’s way. Then you can tell people how much God loves them!

Bible Paraphrase: "Come and follow me," Jesus said. (“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19 NIV)

Text Truth: Jesus says, “Follow Me.”

Family Devotional

(Jesus) When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” – Luke 5:4-5

As a follower of Jesus, He may call you to do difficult things you may not understand. Jesus told the disciples to go fishing at a time when the fish would have gone deep into the waters. Catching them would be difficult if not impossible. But once they obeyed, they realized Jesus gave them an abundant catch.

What difficult task is Jesus calling you to? What makes it difficult? Is there an area in your task that has you tired? What is that area?

Jesus knows you have been working hard for Him. He understands you get tired. But He also sees into the future lives of the ones you impact. He knows the abundant rewards that await. For now, trust in Him to work the impossible.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Bible Phrase Song

Sing the Bible phrase to the tune “10 Little Indians.” To help your child learn the words, teach the 
 actions at the same time.

Jesus grew and became strong.
(Crouch down, stand up, then make muscle arms.)
Jesus grew and became strong.
(Crouch down, stand up, then make muscle arms.)
Jesus grew and became strong.
(Crouch down, stand up, then make muscle arms.)
From Luke 2 verse 40.
(Hold hands open like a book.)

Bible Rhyme

This Bible rhyme is another way to practice the Bible phrase. The Bible phrase is the last line of the rhyme. Teach the words and actions a line at a time. Have your child repeat each line back to you.

Jesus was born a baby,
(Rock arms back and forth.)
The angels said loud and long.
(Cup hands around mouth.)
Then as He got older,
(Raise up on tiptoes.)
Jesus grew and became strong.
(Flex arm muscles.)

Act Out Helping

As a family, act out ways you can be helpers. Let everyone else in your family guess what you are acting out. Let everyone have a turn to act.

Boats at Bath Time

Play with toy boats and fish, or make boats from clean foam trays for bath time. Using a net to scoop up toys will help your child understand how fishermen used nets to catch fish.

Fishermen, Fishermen

Sing this action rhyme to the tune "Are You Sleeping?"

Fishermen, Fishermen
(Motion for people to come)
Pick up your nets, pick up your nets.
(Pretend to pick up heavy nets.)
Throw them in the sea.
(Pretend to toss it into the sea.)
Pull in all the fish.
(Pretend to pull the net back in.)
Come, follow Me! Come, follow Me!
(Motion for people to come.)

Fish with Your Family

Lay a piece of blue fabric on the floor for water. Add paper fish. Use coarse netting or a paper bag for a net. As a family, pretend to be fishermen and throw your nets into the water. Have one person be Jesus. The fishermen can leave their nets and follow Jesus.

Pray to be Helpers

On paper fish, draw or glue pictures of how your family can be helpers. Pray you would be good helpers for God.

The above images are made possible by a joint venture of Good News Productions, International and College Press Publishing Co. Artist. Paula Nash Giltner ( Free Bibleimages ( have been granted permission to make these images freely available for personal, teaching and ministry use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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