The Bible Shows Us the Way

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. — Psalm 119:105 NIV

Our story comes from the part, or book, of the Bible called Psalms. The word psalm means holy song (or special song).

The Bible is like a flashlight. It may sound silly, but it is true.

What if you were riding a bike and it started to get dark, and you could not see which way to go? A flashlight would be very helpful!

The Bible is like a flashlight, a map and a compass all in one. It is a very special book written for us from God. Everything in it is true. The words inside the Bible tell us what to do and the best way to go.

What if you were riding a bike and you accidentally ran over your mother's flowers? What should you tell your mom?

You could lie to your mom and tell her a big dog messed up her flowers could do what the Bible says and tell your mom the truth. The Bible says telling the truth is always the best way to go!

What if you and your best friend are riding bikes at the park?

You are having so much fun racing each other, but then you see another friend who doesn’t have a bike. He’s just watching everyone riding and having fun with a sad face. What should you do?

You could look away and leave him there while you keep riding with your friend could do what the Bible says and be kind and share and give the friend without a bike a turn to ride your bike. So, which way should you go? The Bible says being kind and sharing what we have with others is the right way to go.

We will always have choices to make about what to do and where to go. And you can either go your own way...or go God's way. God's way is the best way. And the Bible is like a light that will show you the way to go.

Bible Paraphrase: “Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow." (Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.” Psalm 25:4 NIV)

Text Truth: The Bible shows me the way.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Say the Bible Memory Verse

Say the memory verse and do the following motions in front of your child.

Show me the right path (hands up like goggles),
O LORD (point up);
point out the road (point out and down)
for me to follow (march).
Psalm 25:4 (Hold out hands like a book.)

Say the verse again with the motions and invite your child to do it with you. Repeat several times.

Follow the Leader

You'll Need: a flashlight

  • Gather your family to line up single file in an open room. 
  • Dim the lights if possible. 
  • Explain that you will play “Follow the Leader” around the room. 
  • Shine the flashlight on the floor to show them the way to go. 
  • Lead your family all the way around the room and then select another family member as the leader. 
  • Continue selecting new leaders for each round as long as time and interest allow.
  • After the activity, say “Great job, everyone! You were great leaders and great followers. I’m so glad we had this light to show us the way to go. Just like the flashlight, the Bible always shows us where to go.”



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