The Bible Tells Us to Share

Acts 2:45

They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. — Acts 2:45

Our story comes from a book of the Bible called Acts. That name is short for “the Acts of the Apostles.” The word "Apostle" is another word to describe a helper of Jesus.

Our Bible story tells us about some people who loved Jesus. The people were gathered together in a room. Buzz, buzz, buzz. The room filled with talking and laughter. The people called themselves Christians because they did what Jesus Christ said to do (Christian means "follower of Christ"). The Christians knew that Jesus was God’s Son. They wanted others to know about Jesus, too.

Grandmas, grandpas, moms, dads, and children met together in homes. They would pray, sing, and learn about Jesus together. All these people loved Jesus. They were like one big, happy family.

Because they loved Jesus, the Christians happily shared what they had more than others. Everything a person had was happily shared with the rest of the Bible-time Christians.

They shared food so everyone had enough to eat. They shared clothes so everyone had something to wear. And they shared money so people could buy what they needed. The Bible-time Christians were happy to share because it was one way they could share Jesus’ love.

One of the Christians was called Barnabas. His real name was Joseph. But he was so helpful and encouraging to others that people gave him the nickname Barnabas, which means "Son of Encouragement."

Barnabas wanted to show his love for Jesus. So, one day, he sold some of his land. He happily took the money to his Christian friends. He wanted to share his money with his friends so they could buy what they needed.

Like Barnabas, many people shared to show their love for Jesus. All the people in the Bible-time church family had the things they needed. If someone needed food, the Christians shared with them. If someone needed money, the Christians shared with them, too.

Sharing made the Bible-time Christians happy. Sharing makes everyone happy.

The Bible tells us we should share. It doesn’t matter if we have a little or a lot, God wants us to share it with others. And when we share with others it makes them happy. And it makes us happy too!

We can share our popsicles, books, toys, the clothes we don’t wear anymore—there are so many things we can share with others if we just look for ways to share.

Bible Paraphrase: “Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow." (Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.” Psalm 25:4 NIV)

Text Truth: The Bible tells me to share my stuff.

Family Devotional

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. – Acts 4:32

The early Christians were no strangers to stress. Their belief in Jesus often led to persecution and isolation. Even so, the believers were one in heart and mind. They shared everything they had. There were no needy persons among them.

The love and harmony experienced in the early church were powered by the Holy Spirit. He kept the experience of being with Jesus real. He is the same Spirit which dwells in today’s believers. That means that the sharing, caring relationships of Acts can be a reality for us today.

Ask God to reveal to you ways to foster the spirit of sharing within your own relationships with believers.

Activities You Can Do at Home

Say the Bible Memory Verse

Say the memory verse and do the following motions in front of your child.

Show me the right path (hands up like goggles),
O LORD (point up);
point out the road (point out and down)
for me to follow (march).
Psalm 25:4 (Hold out hands like a book.)

Say the verse again with the motions and invite your child to do it with you. Repeat several times.

Share and Eat

Encourage sharing by taking two crackers for yourself and sharing with your child. Say, "Sharing makes everyone happy, especially Jesus."

Jesus Helps Me Give and Share

Sing this song to the tune of "London Bridge."

Jesus helps me give and share,
(Raise arms, palms up)
Give and share, give and share.
(Pretend to hand something to someone.)
Jesus helps me give and share.
(Raise arms, palms up.)
Sharing makes me happy.
(Clap to rhythm.)

Who Shared? Who Did Not Share?

Read children's books about sharing. Ask questions about who shared (or didn't), what was shared (or not), and the outcome.

Share Like the Early Christians Did

Gathered some items in your house that the early Christians shared with one another. You might include food, clothing, and play money. Review the Bible story by pretending to share these things, just as the early Christians did. Then relate the Bible story to the present by playing a word game with your child. Name a church member, friends, relative, or neighbor your child knows and have your child suggest something to share with this person. Your child might want to share cookies with a teacher or a toy with another child.

Share and Give Thanks

As your child chooses to share, stop and thank God for helping us to share. When your child has difficulty sharing, pray and ask God to help.

Story illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and licensed by FreeBibleimages ( for free download under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike 3.0 unported licence.


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