Jesus Calls His First Disciples

Luke 5:1-7

Our true story comes from the Bible. It is in the part, or book, of the Bible called Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wanted others to know and love Jesus, too.

Jesus was teaching a big crowd on a beach. Because Jesus is God’s Son, and He can do amazing things that no one else can do, everyone wanted to hear Him teach.

The crowd grew so big that Jesus got into a boat to finish teaching so that all the people could see Him. The boat that Jesus got into belonged to a fisherman named Peter.

When Jesus was done teaching, he said to Peter, "Let’s go fishing!"

But Peter was tired. He had been up all night fishing and hadn’t caught a single fish. Not one! But Peter knew that Jesus was special and because Jesus said to throw out his nets into the water, he decided to try.

Peter threw out the net and then Jesus did something no one else can do. Suddenly there were fish—not just one or two or ten but TONS of fish.

There were so many fish that the net started to break under the weight. Peter was amazed! He’d been fishing all night with NO fish and then Jesus filled the nets with fish—tons and tons and tons of fish!

Peter and his brother Andrew left their fishing net and followed Jesus. Soon, James and his brother John also left their nets and followed Jesus. They all learned that Jesus was God's Son, and Jesus can do anything!

Bible Paraphrase: With God all things are possible. – Matthew 19:26, NIV

Text Truth: Jesus can do things we can’t.

Family Devotional

One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. — Luke 5:1-7

Our Bible story was about a real fishing net that was so full of fish it almost sunk the boat! Who made all the fish get in the net? Yes! Jesus! Jesus told Peter to put his nets in the water. When he did, he caught so many fish that  he needed help pulling the net! We know this can really happen because with God all things are possible.

With God all things are possible. – Matthew 19:26, NIV

With God all things are possible. And since Jesus is God’s Son, that means Jesus can do anything! That's how Jesus made all the fish jump into Peter's fishing net!

With your family, make a list of things you can't do. For example, you can't stop a storm. You can't make a bird fly. You can't make it rain. Have everyone in your family write down something.

Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. Acknowledge to God that there are SO many things that you can't do. Things like (read the list made by your family). But acknowledge that God sent His Son, Jesus, to be your friend forever. And acknowledge that Jesus can do anything! Ask God to help you believe in what Jesus can do. Thank God for His love. Acknowledge to God your love for Him.

The above images are made possible by a joint venture of Good News Productions, International and College Press Publishing Co. Artist. Paula Nash Giltner ( Free Bibleimages ( have been granted permission to make these images freely available for personal, teaching and ministry use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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