Moses and the Sea

Exodus 13:17-18; 14

Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Exodus. The word “exodus” means to leave or go away from.

We begin with God’s people! And a mean pharaoh, which is like a king. The pharaoh hurt God’s people and tried to keep them locked up with him. 

So, God sent a man named Moses to help them. Moses told Pharaoh that God wanted him to, “Let His people go.” 

Now, Moses had to tell him a lot of times to let the people go, and Pharaoh finally said, “Yes, God’s people can go.”

God’s people were free. God, with His BIG power, saved the people from Pharaoh. Moses led the people away from Egypt and out to the desert.

They walked and walked until they reached a really big sea. 

But uh-oh! Pharaoh changed his mind! He wanted the people to come back. So, he sent soldiers after them. 

God’s people were scared. They said, “What are we going to do Moses? There’s a REALLY big sea in front of us and Pharaoh’s soldiers are behind us. There’s nowhere for us to go!”

But Moses reminded them that God is powerful, and He would tell them what to do. 

God told Moses to hold his staff over the water. Then do you know what happened? God, in all His BIG great mighty POWER, split the water in two and made a dry path down the middle. It was amazing. It was something ONLY God could do! Now the people could just walk right through to the other side. Can you IMAGINE walking on dry ground and seeing a whole wall of water on one side of you and another wall of water on the other side? So incredible! God’s power is awesome.

Wow! God put a dry path right down the middle of the water. He is so powerful.

Bible Paraphrase: Great is our LORD and mighty in power. —Psalm 147:5, NIV

Text Truth: God’s power is awesome!

Family Devotional

But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. —Exodus 14:29

Our Bible story was about a lot of water. And I mean A LOT of water—way too much to swim across. But it wasn’t too much for God’s power. No way! God’s power is awesome!

When Moses and all of the people needed to get to the other side of the sea, what did God do? God parted the water and made a dry path for Moses and the people to walk on. They were saved because God’s awesome power parted the water! 

Great is our LORD and mighty in power. —Psalm 147:5, NIV 

With your family, make a list of things that live in water, since God parted a sea. It can be fish, a turtle, starfish . . . anything that lives in water.

Pray with your family. Allow any family members to pray if they wish. In your own words, say, “Dear God, Your power is so amazing. You parted a sea so Moses and the people could walk on dry land. Not only did Your power part the sea, but You made the sea and everything that lives in water like (read the list your family made). God, You truly are amazing! Thank You for loving us. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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