
Showing posts from April, 2022

Light & Dark, Sky & Water

Genesis 1:3-8 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Genesis. The word genesis means “the beginning.” In the very beginning, there was nothing: no people, no animals, no land, no ocean, no sun, no Earth, just nothing. But there was God. And God was about to do something AMAZING. On the first day, God said, ‘Let there be . . . LIGHT! And there was light. Amazing, bright shining light. And God said, “That’s good!” And it was! Then God decided to separate the light from the darkness. He called the light “Day.” What do you think he called the dark? “Night!” And because on day one, God made the light and the dark, now we get to wake every morning and see the light. That was day one of God making the world. Now, what comes after one? Two. On day two, God made water . . . and put some way down low. And God put some water way up high. Then God saw what He had made, and God said, “That’s good!” So, on day one, God made light and dark. And on day two, God made the sky above the wat...

Breakfast on the Beach

John 21:1-14 Our true story is found in a part of the Bible called the Gospel of John. John was one of the friends and helpers of Jesus. And the word "Gospel" means "good news!" Our Bible story is about a surprise breakfast. But they didn’t eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. No, they ate fish and bread. We begin after Easter. Do you remember how Easter started out sad? Jesus died and was put in a tomb. It was very, very sad. Now, did Jesus stay in the tomb? No! Jesus came back, just like He said He would! Jesus is alive! Soon after Jesus came back, some of Jesus’ friends were fishing in a boat.  While they fished, they looked out and . . . guess who they saw. Yes! They saw Jesus standing on the beach! They were so excited to see their friend Jesus. In fact, one of Jesus’ friends was so excited that he jumped in the water and swam to Jesus. When Jesus’ friends got to the beach, they saw a fire with fish and bread cooking on it. Jesus told them to have breakfast....


Matthew 26:21-30; 27:1-2; 28:1-7 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” Our Bible story is extra special! Why? Because it's all about why we celebrate Easter! Do you know what shape this is? This is a heart! The true story of Easter begins with God’s love for us. And a heart makes us think of love. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to be our friend forever. While Jesus was on Earth, He did amazing things that only He can do and showed us how to love one another. But before Jesus could be our friend forever, something very sad had to happen. One night, while Jesus was having dinner with His friends, the disciples, He told them that He had to go away, but He said he would come back. After dinner, Jesus went to pray. While Jesus prayed, some angry people took Jesus away. The people hurt Jesus, and He died. It was very sad. After...

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16   Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” This story is about a special day called Palm Sunday. We begin in a city called Jerusalem.  There were a lot of people walking around Jerusalem when someone said “Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!” The people were so excited because they had heard that Jesus was a good friend and had done amazing things. Like one time, Jesus made a storm stop by just saying, “Stop!”  The people also heard that Jesus had made lots and lots of sick people better and that He could feed THOUSANDS of people with only a little bit of food. Wow! Jesus can do SO many amazing things, and He really is a very special friend. Soooo, if Jesus was coming, the people knew they needed to do something special to celebrate Him. Some of the people grabbed palm tree branches to wave in the air, kind of li...

Walking on Water

Matthew 14:22-33 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” We begin by a lake where Jesus had been teaching people all day. When Jesus was done teaching, He told his friends, the disciples, to get in a boat and go to the other side of the lake. (boat, lake, shore) Then Jesus went up on a mountain to pray by Himself. While the disciples were in the boat, the wind began to blow. The wind blew and blew. It rocked the boat back-and-forth, back-and-forth, back-and-forth. The disciples didn’t know what to do!  Then, something amazing happened! As the wind rocked the boat, the disciples looked out on the water and saw something coming toward them.  As the disciples looked, it got closer and closer and closer. It was a PERSON! The disciples were so afraid! They thought, how could a person really walk on water? Then, the person talked! They said, “...