A Woman Gave Elijah Food

1 Kings 17:7-16 Our true story comes from the book, or part, of the Bible called First Kings (1 Kings). It is the first book in the Bible that tells about the kings of Israel. Elijah lived in a town called Tishbe in Gilead. Elijah loved God. He talked to God, and he listened to God (The name Elijah means "My God is Yahweh"). Elijah knew God would take care of him. Elijah traveled to tell people about a famine that would happen soon. He had been traveling a long way and was thirsty and hungry. He needed help. So, God told him to go to a town called Zarephath and ask a woman to help him. He went to the woman and told her he needed help. He was hungry and tired and wanted some water and bread. The woman wanted to help him, but she had a big problem. She only had enough bread for herself and her son. She said, "All I have is a little flour and a little oil. I was gathering sticks to make a fire to cook just one more meal for my son and me." ...