Simon, Andrew, James, and John

Matthew 4:18-22 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” One day, Jesus was walking by a big lake. He saw two men working by the water. Their names were Simon and Andrew, and they were fishermen. Do you know what fishermen do? They catch fish with big nets! Simon and Andrew were throwing their nets into the water to catch some fish. Then Jesus called out to them and said, “Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!” Simon and Andrew didn’t know exactly what that meant, but they knew Jesus was special. They wanted to follow Him and learn from Him. So, they left their nets and their boat right away and went with Jesus. Jesus kept walking by the lake and saw two more fishermen, James and John. They were sitting in their boat with their father, Zebedee, fixing their nets. Jesus called out to them too, “Come, follow Me!” James and John looked...