
Showing posts from May, 2019

God Helped David Be Brave

1 Samuel 17:1-50 Our true story comes from the Bible. It is found in the book, or part, of the Bible called First Samuel (1 Samuel). It is the first of two books in the Bible named after a man named Samuel. Our story begins with a big, mean giant. His name was Goliath of Gath. Goliath was very big. And Goliath was very mean. Do you know who he wanted to fight? God’s army, the Israelites. Every day at the Valley of Elah, Goliath would tease the Israelites saying, “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, who’s gonna fight me?” But the Israelites were too scared. No one was brave enough to fight the giant. That changed when a boy named David came from Bethlehem to bring food to his older brothers. David was there when Goliath came out to tease them again. “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, who’s gonna fight me?” he said. David thought surely one of the Israelite soldiers would fight Goliath, but they were too afraid. So, David told the king, “I’ll do it!” Everyone was surprised. Dav...

God Helped Aaron and Hur

Exodus 17:8-13 Our true Bible story comes from a book, or part, of the Bible called Exodus. The word “exodus” means to leave or go away from. Our story is about two helpers named Aaron and Hur. Moses was the leader of God's people, the Israelites. And Aaron and Hur were the helpers of Moses. One day, some mean people, called Amalekites, came to attack God’s people. Moses knew that God would help his army, so he said, "I’m going to stand on this hill and hold up the staff of God." The Israelites were winning against the mean people. Yay, God! But then Moses started to get tired. He couldn’t hold up the staff anymore. And the mean people began to win the battle! Moses needed to raise his hands. When he did, God's people began to win, again! But when Moses got tired and dropped his hands, the mean people began to win. Moses needed some help. Aaron and Hur came to the rescue! They had Moses sit down. And then they helped Moses raise th...

God Helped Joshua Lead the People

Joshua 1:1-9 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Joshua. Joshua was a great leader of God’s people, with God’s help. Moses as was an amazing leader and did some incredible things. Moses helped save God’s people from the mean king of Egypt, called Pharaoh. Then Moses led the people through a big desert. And finally, he led the people through the big Red Sea. What an awesome leader. Moses took care of the people and helped them follow God. But one day, Moses died. After Moses was gone, God told his helper, Joshua, that he would be the new leader. What a big job! How could Joshua ever be as good a leader as Moses? Moses did all those great big things. But do you know what God said to Joshua? God said: “Be strong and courageous because I am with you.” God told Joshua that He was there to help him be a strong leader. God promised Joshua that He would be with him just like He was with Moses. God even told Joshua what to do. And we have God’s words in the ...

God Helped Solomon Build the Temple

1 Kings 5–6 Our true story comes from the book, or part, of the Bible called First Kings (1 Kings). It is the first book in the Bible that tells about the kings of Israel. Our true Bible story is about a king named Solomon. God gave King Solomon a very important and a very big building job. God wanted King Solomon to build a special place called a temple. It needed to be huge and beautiful. And King Solomon was up to the challenge. God told him what to do, and he did it! First King Solomon needed supplies. He needed wood. Wood comes from trees. But the trees he didn’t belong to King Solomon. They belonged to another king named King Hiram. King Solomon asked King Hiram if he could buy some of his trees to build the temple. King Hiram said yes! All the wood had to get back to King Solomon. How? They floated those logs through the sea. King Hiram floated lots and lots and lots of logs to King Solomon. This was a big job and needed plenty of wood! Once King Solomon had ...