
Hagar and Ishmael

Genesis 21:14-20 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Genesis. The word genesis means “the beginning.” We begin with a woman named Hagar and her son, Ishmael. Hagar and Ishmael were in a desert. Is it hot or cold in a desert? HOT! This desert was really hot and dry, and Hagar and her son, Ishmael, were very tired and hot. What do you need when you are tired and hot? That’s right! You need something to drink. Hagar and Ishmael were very thirsty, but they ran out of water to drink. Do deserts have a lot of water in them? No. It’s really hard to find water in the desert. Hagar and Ishmael didn’t see any water. Hagar began to cry, and her son began to cry too.  But God was WITH Hagar and Ishmael! An angel of God said to Hagar, “God has heard the boy crying” (Genesis 21:17, NLT). Right then, God helped Hagar see a well of water! Hagar quickly filled a bottle with water and gave Ishmael some water to drink. Ishmael wasn’t thirsty anymore! Yay! God heard Hagar and Ishmael beca

Daniel and the Lions

Daniel 6:1-23 Our true story is found in a part of the Bible called Daniel. Daniel was a man that loved God very much and lived in a land called Babylon. We begin with a man named Daniel. Daniel loved God and prayed to God three times a day. Can you count to three with me? “One . . . two . . . three!” When Daniel prayed, he went to his room to talk to God. We can pray and talk to God anywhere. Can you talk to God in your home? Can you talk to God on the playground? Oh, those are great places! We can talk to God anywhere. Well, Daniel had an important job working for the king. Because Daniel did such a great job, the king wanted to put Daniel in charge of the whole kingdom. Now this was a good thing for Daniel, but there were other people who worked for the king who did not want Daniel to be in charge.  So, they did something very sneaky. They tricked the king into creating a new law that said no one could pray to God anymore. And if they did, they would be thrown into a den full of LIO

Tabitha Helps

Acts 9:36-42 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Acts, which is short for “the Acts of the Apostles.” An apostle is someone who is sent to teach others about Jesus. We begin with a woman named Tabitha. Tabitha loved Jesus. Tabitha knew that the most important thing Jesus taught us to do is to love people the way Jesus loves us. So, that’s what Tabitha did! She looked for ways to love like Jesus. Tabitha was good at making clothes and sewing so she looked for ways she could help others with her sewing. Let’s see how Tabitha helped. What do you look like when you are cold? Do you shiver and shake? Yes. Oh, SO cold! If Tabitha saw someone who needed a coat, she made a coat for them. Tabitha loved like Jesus and helped people. If Tabitha saw someone who needed new clothes, she made clothes for them. Tabitha loved like Jesus and helped others, and we can love like Jesus too! So, when anyone asks you, “Who can love like Jesus?” You can say, “I can love like Jesus!” WATCH VID

We Are the Light

Matthew 5:14-16; Acts 8:26-35 Our true also story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” Our true story also comes from a part of the Bible called Acts, which is short for “the Acts of the Apostles.” An apostle is someone who is sent to teach others about Jesus. We begin with Jesus, God’s Son. One day, Jesus was talking to His friends, the disciples, on a mountain. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14, NIrV) You see, when we love like Jesus . . . . . . we shine bright like a light! Jesus even said, “Don’t hide it!” Jesus wants us to be a bright light for everyone to see! Now, I want to tell you about a friend of Jesus’ named Philip. Philip let his light shine bright just like Jesus said. One day, Philip was walking down a road and saw a man sitting in a chariot.  The man was reading God’s words . . . . . . but the man needed help underst

Jesus Gives a New Command

John 4:1-30, 13:34-35; Luke 18:15-16, 19:1-10 Our true story comes from parts of the Bible called the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John. Luke and John were friends and helpers of Jesus. And the word gospel means “good news!” We begin with Jesus, God’s Son. One day, Jesus was teaching, and He said something very important. Jesus said the most important thing He wants us to do is to love each other the way that He loves us. And Jesus showed us how to love like Him! We can read about it in the Bible. One day, Jesus was teaching some people. Some grown-ups brought their children to see Jesus, but Jesus’ friends, the disciples, told the children to go away. When Jesus heard this, He said, “Let the little children come to me” (Luke 18:16, NIrV). Jesus loved the children! Jesus loves everyone—children, grown-ups, grandparents. We can love like Jesus and love everyone too! Jesus loves everyone, even if they’ve made a bad choice. One day, Jesus met a man named Zacchaeus who had made bad cho