
Jesus Helps a Man See

John 9:1-12 Our true story is found in a part of the Bible called the Gospel of John. John was one of the friends and helpers of Jesus. And the word "Gospel" means "good news!" One day, Jesus was walking with His friends, the disciples.  They saw a man sitting by the road. This man was blind, which means he couldn’t see. He had been blind ever since he was a baby. The disciples asked Jesus, “Why was this man born blind? Did he do something wrong?” Jesus shook His head and said, “No, this happened so that God’s power can be shown in him.” Jesus was going to help the man in a special way to show God’s love. Then Jesus did something surprising! He bent down, spit on the ground, and made some mud with the dirt. He gently put the mud on the man’s eyes and said, “Go wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam.” The man went to the pool and washed his eyes, just like Jesus said. When he opened his eyes, he could see! For the first time in his life, he saw people, trees, the sky,...

Jesus Stops the Storm

Matthew 8:23-27 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word "Gospel" means "good news!" One day, Jesus and His friends, the disciples, got into a boat. They were going to cross a big lake. Jesus was very tired from teaching and helping people, so He laid down in the boat and went to sleep. While they were on the lake, the wind started to blow. Whoooosh! The waves got bigger and bigger. The boat rocked back and forth. The disciples were scared! They said, “Help! We’re going to sink!”  But Jesus was still sleeping. The disciples ran to Him and woke Him up. They said, “Lord, save us! We’re afraid!” Jesus sat up and looked at the storm. Then He said to the wind and the waves, “Be still!” And do you know what happened? The wind stopped blowing. The waves stopped crashing. Everything became calm and peaceful. The disciples were amazed. They asked each other, “W...

Twelve Disciples

Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9-10, 10:2-4; John 1:43-49 Our true story comes from parts of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John. Matthew and John were disciples of Jesus. That means Jesus was their teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” One day, Jesus was walking by a big lake. He saw two brothers, Simon (also called Peter) and Andrew. They were fishermen, throwing their nets into the water to catch fish. Jesus called out to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!” Simon and Andrew left their nets right away and followed Jesus. As Jesus walked farther, He saw two more brothers, James and John, sitting in their boat with their father, Zebedee. They were fixing their fishing nets. Jesus called out to them, too, “Follow Me!” James and John left their boat and their father to follow Jesus. Another day, Jesus met a man named Matthew. Matthew was sitting at a table because he was a tax collector. His job was to collect money from people for the rulers. N...

Philip and Nathanael

John 1:43-49 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of John. John was one of the friends and helpers of Jesus. And the word “Gospel” means “good news!” One day, Jesus decided to go to a town called Galilee. There, He met a man named Philip. Jesus smiled at Philip and said, “Follow Me!” Philip was so excited to follow Jesus! He knew Jesus was special. Philip had a friend named Nathanael. Philip wanted to tell Nathanael about Jesus. So, he found Nathanael sitting under a tree and said, “We found Him! We found the special one God promised, the one Moses and the prophets talked about. His name is Jesus!” But Nathanael wasn’t sure. He asked, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Nathanael didn’t know much about Jesus yet. Philip didn’t try to argue. He just said, “Come and see!” So, Nathanael got up and went with Philip to meet Jesus. When Jesus saw Nathanael coming, He said, “Here is a man who always tells the truth!”  Nathanael was surprised. He asked, “How ...


Matthew 9:9-10 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” One day, Jesus was walking through town.  He saw a man named Matthew sitting at his table. Matthew was a tax collector. His job was to collect money from people to give to the rulers. Not many people liked Matthew because they thought tax collectors weren’t kind or fair. But Jesus loved Matthew. Jesus walked up to him and said, “Follow Me!” Matthew was so surprised and happy that Jesus wanted him to be one of His special helpers, called disciples. Right away, Matthew got up, left his table, and followed Jesus. Later, Matthew invited Jesus to his house for dinner. He wanted his friends to meet Jesus, too! Some of Matthew’s friends were people that others didn’t like, but Jesus was happy to eat with them and spend time with them. Jesus showed them that God loves everyone, no matter who they...

Simon, Andrew, James, and John

Matthew 4:18-22 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” One day, Jesus was walking by a big lake. He saw two men working by the water. Their names were Simon and Andrew, and they were fishermen. Do you know what fishermen do? They catch fish with big nets! Simon and Andrew were throwing their nets into the water to catch some fish. Then Jesus called out to them and said, “Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!” Simon and Andrew didn’t know exactly what that meant, but they knew Jesus was special. They wanted to follow Him and learn from Him. So, they left their nets and their boat right away and went with Jesus. Jesus kept walking by the lake and saw two more fishermen, James and John. They were sitting in their boat with their father, Zebedee, fixing their nets. Jesus called out to them too, “Come, follow Me!” James and John looked...


Luke 19:1-10 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wanted others to know and love Jesus, too. And the word gospel means “good news!” We begin with a man named Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector. That meant his job was to take money from people. The problem was that Zacchaeus took money that wasn’t his. Was that a good thing for Zacchaeus to do? No, that was not good. One day, everyone heard that Jesus was coming to their town. The people were SO HAPPY! Zacchaeus was happy too! When the people saw Jesus, they all crowded around so they could see Him. But Zacchaeus couldn’t see Jesus over the crowd. How was Zacchaeus going to see Jesus? If only there was something Zacchaeus could climb. What is something big that Zacchaeus could climb to see Jesus? Do you think Zacchaeus can climb a tree? Yes! Zacchaeus climbed the tree so he could see Jesus. Climb, climb, climb! Zacchaeus climbed a tree, and guess...