
Showing posts from August, 2017

Jesus Made Breakfast for His Helpers

John 21:1-14 Our story comes from the Bible. It is in the part, or book, of the Bible called John. John was one of the special helpers of Jesus. Seven of Jesus’ friends went fishing. There was Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two others. Jesus’ friends had been fishing all night. But they had not caught one fish! The men lowered the fishing net one more time. They waited before they pulled the net up, up, up. The net was empty—again! It was morning and the sun was coming up. The men saw someone walking on the shore. They didn’t know who it was. “Friends, did you catch any fish?” He called. “No,” Jesus’ friends shouted from the boat. “Not even one.” “Throw your net on the right side of the boat. Then you will catch some fish,” He said. The men in the boat did just as they were told. Then they tried to lift the net into the boat. But the net was so full of fish that they couldn’t lift it! “It’s Jesus!” said one man. Only Jesus could help them t...

Jesus Healed Ten and One Gave Thanks

Luke 17:11-19 Our story comes from the Bible. It is in a part, or book, of the Bible called Luke. Luke loved Jesus and wrote about Him so that others could know Jesus and love Jesus, too. The Bible tells us about some men. These men were sick. There were: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ten men who were sick.  The men had a disease called leprosy. They had bad sores all over their skin. No one would come near the men—not even their families. In Bible times, people were afraid that they would get sick too if they got too close. So, the ten sick men had to leave their homes and families and live by themselves outside the town. They couldn’t get near to anyone. Sometimes they felt like no one cared about them. One day, Jesus was walking down a road near where the men lived. The ten sick men saw Jesus coming. They knew they needed help and that only Jesus could help them. Standing far away from the edge of the road, they cried out to Him as ...

A Prayer for Teachers of Children

Father God, thank You for all who teach Your children. Thank You for their ministry. Sustain them in health: strong in body, mind and spirit to move in faith, patience, and with expectation. Protect them and keep them. Encourage them to behold the beauty of Your holiness. Bless their ears to hear the lovely, the uplifting, and the encouraging, and to shut out the demeaning and the negative.  Cause their feet to walk in holiness and their steps ordered by You. Bless their hands to be tender-helping hands to those in need, hands that bless.  May their hearts be humble and receptive to those around them.  May their minds be strong, disciplined, balanced and faith-filled.  Your grace be upon their homes and classrooms that they may be havens of rest and renewal, sanctuaries of peace where the sounds of joy and laughter grace each room, where love and unconditional acceptance is never ending. Grant success and prosperit...

Jesus Heals a Man by a Pool

John 5:1-15 Our story comes from the Bible. It is found in the part, or book, of the Bible called John. John was one of the special helpers of Jesus. Walk, walk, walk. The Bible tells us that Jesus traveled to the big city of Jerusalem. He was going to worship God at the temple. It was a busy time in Jerusalem. Many people had come to the city to worship God, too. Some had even brought animals to sell. Near the city gate was a place called Bethesda (buh-THEZ-duh). The name means “house of grace” or “house of mercy.” There at Bethesda was a pool of water. Many people came to the pool who were sick or couldn’t see or couldn’t walk. They lay on mats around the pool. Sometimes the waters in the pool were stirred up. Many people thought that the first person to get into the pool, after the water was stirred, would be made well. One of the people lying by the pool was a man who was lame. He could not walk. His legs had not worked for many years. He couldn’t even stand up....

Jesus Stopped the Storm

Mark 4:35-41 Our story comes from a book of the Bible called Mark. Many people came to see Jesus wherever He went. Old people, young people, and even sick people went to see Jesus. Jesus talked to the people and cared for them. Sometimes He made sick people better. Jesus took time to tell them about God’s love. One day, Jesus and His friends got into a fishing boat and went a little way out into a big lake called the Sea of Galilee. From the boat, Jesus talked to the people who stood on shore. He told them about God. Everyone in the crowd could see and hear Him. When evening came, it was time for Jesus and His friends to leave. They were near a town called Capernaum. Jesus told His friends, “Let’s take the boat to the other side of the lake.” So, leaving the crowd of people behind, they rowed out onto the lake. Jesus was tired. He lay down in the back of the boat to sleep. Row, row. Into the middle of the lake they went. While they were in the middle...