The Wise Men

Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. That means Jesus was his teacher. And the word gospel means “good news!” This part of the true story of Christmas begins with wise men. "W" is for Wise Man. The wise men knew that God was going to send someone very special, and they wanted to see Him. One night, while the wise men waited, they saw a very special star in the sky. When the wise men saw the special star, they knew they needed to follow it. Walk, walk, walk. They kept looking at the star and following it. Walk, walk, walk . . . Finally, the wise men saw the star stop. So, they stopped. The star had stopped over a house. Who do you think lived in that house? Jesus lived in that house! When the wise men saw Jesus, they knew He was the very special person they were looking for. They knew Jesus was the one God sent to show how much He loves everyone. The wise men bowed down and wors...