Noah’s Ark
Genesis 6–7 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Genesis. The word genesis means “the beginning.” We begin with a man named Noah. Noah loved and trusted God, even when no one else did. Noah always tried to do what God said and followed God’s plans. One day, God told Noah to build a REALLY big boat and fill it with his family and two of EVERY animal in the world. Wait, what? Do you think Noah had ever built a boat before? Do you think other people understood what Noah was doing? Probably not. Do you think Noah STILL chose to trust God? Noah trusted God and got right to work following God’s plans! Do you remember what God told Noah to do first? What was Noah supposed to build? A boat! And did God want Noah to build a big boat or a little boat? Yes, a BIG boat. God wanted the boat to be REALLY big. Okay, get out your pretend saw and use it to cut wood. Push and pull the saw to cut the wood. Saw really fast! Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And...stop! W...