King Hezekiah Prays to God

Isaiah 37:14-21, 35; 38:1-6, 20 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah loved God and told other what God wanted them to know. We begin with a king named Hezekiah. King Hezekiah loved God, and he prayed and talked to God. One day, King Hezekiah was worried about the safety of his city. So, King Hezekiah prayed and talked to God about it. He said, “God, You are the one true God. You made everything. Please help us.” God sent Isaiah the prophet to give a message to King Hezekiah. Isaiah said: “God has heard your prayer and said, “I will guard this city and save it.” Hooray! God’s got it! Another time, King Hezekiah was very sick. The first thing King Hezekiah did was pray and talk to God. Hezekiah talked to God about how much he loved God and trusted God with his whole heart. He also cried to God because he knew he could talk to God about anything. After Hezekiah prayed to God, God sent Isaiah with another message. Isaiah said: “Hezekiah, God ...