God Made Our Senses
Genesis 1:27; 3:20; 4:1-2; Job 20:9a; 34:3; 42:5; Proverbs 20:12; Matthew 11:15 The Bible tells us that a long time ago, God made the earth and everything in it. God made the first people on earth. Adam and Eve. God made their two boys, Cain and Abel. God wanted them to enjoy the world He had created. God gave them special parts of their bodies called senses. He gave them fingers to feel, eyes to see, a nose to smell, ears to hear, and a tongue to taste with. You are using your eyes to look at words and pictures. What is something that feels wet? (water). What can you hear with your ears? (bird) What can you taste? (orange) God made our fingers, eyes, noses, ears, and tongues. God made our senses. God gave us fingers so we could touch. Close your eyes and touch your leg. Think about how it feels. Open your eyes. God gave us eyes to see. Look at your hand. Think about how it looks. God gave us noses to smell. What are some things that smell? God ga...