Jesus Can Do the Impossible
Matthew 14:22-33 Our true story comes from the Bible. It is found in the book, or part, of the Bible called Matthew. Matthew was one of the special helpers of Jesus. Our story begins on a beach. Jesus had been teaching people all day. Jesus told His friends, the disciples, to get into the boat and go across the lake. Jesus said goodbye to the crowd and went up on the mountain to pray by himself. While the disciples were in the boat, the wind began to blow. The wind blew harder and harder. Jesus’ friends tried to row to safety. But the disciples weren’t strong enough. They didn’t know what to do. But just then, they saw something on the water. It looked like a person! Jesus’ friends were scared. And they thought, "Could there really be a person walking on the water? No way. That’s impossible!" But remember: Who can do anything? Jesus can do anything. Who do you think was walking on water toward them? It was Jesus! Jesus said, "Don’t be afraid...