Every Good and Perfect Gift

James 1:17; Genesis 1 WATCH VIDEO Take-Home Activities Our true story is found in a part of the Bible called Genesis. The word genesis means “the beginning.” Our true story also comes from a part of the Bible written by a man named James. James loved God and told people what God wanted them to know. Our true story begins in the very beginning, when God made a super-amazing gift. When someone who loves you MAKES you a gift, it is very special. This super-amazing gift is the earth! God made the earth—the place where we live—because God is good! But that’s not all God made. God also made the flowers and the blue sky full of sunshine to help those flowers grow. God made the flowers, sky, trees, and grass because God is good! But that’s not all God made. God also made yummy fruits, like oranges, apples, bananas, and grapes, and God made yummy vegetables, like corn, peas, carrots, squash, potatoes. Any fruit or vegetable you can think of, God made it. Why? Because God is good! But that’s not...