Take Care of Others, Whom God Made

Matthew 7:12 Our true story comes from the Bible. It is found in the book, or part, of the Bible called Matthew. Matthew was one of the special helpers of Jesus. What if someone in your family came home from the grocery store, and you saw them struggling to pick up the grocery bags and carry them into the house? Would you help them? Yes, you would! You could help them by carrying some of the groceries into the kitchen. What if it was snack time and someone poured a bowl of pretzels for you and your little brother? Did God make your little brother? Yes, He did! But then he tripped and dropped his snack everywhere. What could you do to be kind to him? You could help him clean up the pretzels and share your snack with him. Yes, that would make him so happy! And what if someone gave you a present? What should you say? Yes, you should say, “Thank you!” And if you wanted to ask for something, what would you say? Yes, you should say, “Please!” And if you had a friend...