In the Garden
Genesis 1:31; 2:8–3:24 Our true story comes from a part of the Bible called Genesis. The word genesis means “the beginning.” We begin in the VERY beginning when God created the world and everything in it! God made a great big, beautiful world and saw that it was good. God made the water and trees . . . …beautiful flowers, and lots of plants. Some of these plants even had food on them! And there were SO many animals! . . . and animals and people! And the first two people God made were named Adam . . . . . . and Eve. God told Adam and Eve to take care of the big, beautiful garden. Everything there was perfect because God made it. The garden was amazing. It was full of trees with yummy food to eat! God told Adam and Eve that they could eat from ANY tree but one. God said, “Don’t eat from this one.” Well, one day a snake told Eve to EAT the fruit God said NOT to eat. Yes or no—should Eve eat the fruit? Should Eve do what God says? Yes. But guess what? Eve ate the fruit that God ...